
4.7K 151 117
  • Dedicated to all those people who are actually interested in this roleplay!


1# Do not start talking in the roleplay until I have approved your form.

2# You may swear but only if you block out some letters (e.g. s**t, f**k).

3# Please keep the rating under RPG, if you want to do inappropriate stuff go somewhere else.

4# This is a roleplay so I want lots of drama.

5# Hate the character, not the person.

6# Don't leave people out and ignore them! You don't have to be friends with everyone but never ignore people if they are trying to get your attention or look lonely.

7# Fighting isn't just allowed, but encouraged! Just no killing another persons character without their permission.

That's all for now, although I will add more if necessary.

Whitehood's Academy for the Supernaturally Gifted (Roleplay)Where stories live. Discover now