Chapter 2: Singel

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It has now been two months since you started working as Jin's assistant. Your work has improved a lot and you two have gotten much closer. You've also got a new best friend, Mijung, who you hang out with almost everyday. She tries to put you and Jin up since she noticed that you have feelings for him. You just think she's naive at even thinking that Jin would like you back. I mean he doesn't have feeling for you.... Right...

You opened the door to Jin's room "Good morning~ I brought you breakfast." and put down a bag on his desk.

"Good morning (y/n)~" as he started unpacking the food.

"I will go and get my schedule for today. See you in a bit."

"Ok-okey" he said with his mouth full of bacon and omelette.

He's so cute. I hope he likes the food though... I am not that good at cooking.

You walked to your boss office and spotted Mijung flirting with some guy.

"Hi Mijung"

"Oh, Hi (y/n)" and gave you a hug.

You looked at the guy who was talking to Mijung "Hi, sorry for disrupting your conversation. I'm (y/n)." you held out your hand waiting for him to shake it.

He shook your hand. "I'm Jumin."

"Nice to meet you." you smiled.

Mijung looked at you as if she was annoyed. "I have to talk to (y/n) for a minute. Be right back."

"Oh... okey."

Mijung grabbed your arm and lead you to the bathroom.

"Why do you always have to be so awkward."

"I wasn't awkward. It's called being polite."

"Well... it's awkward! I don't understand what Jin sees in you. Okey, well he's also pretty awkward. Omg! You are made for eachother!"

You nudged her "He doesn't have feelings for me and he isn't awkward. He is very cute and kind."

She giggled "Ohh~ Relationship goals! You are already defending him."

"Ahh~ Please stop..."

"Okey~ But I'm just so curious, how is it going between you two love birds?"

"Where should I start... He doesn't have feelings for me, I'm his assistant and he is a celebrity which makes it even more difficult for us to date."

"Excuse me honey, but you must be blind. Those looks he gives you time to time are not friendly, they are a hunger for flesh. And who cares if he is a celebrity, I mean Jessica Alba is married to a non famous guy, or was... I don't know! The point is that it isn't impossible. But it can be a problem that you are his assistant... I know we can change. You can be Namjoon's assistant and I can be Jin's."

"I don't know Mijung. It seems too strenuous to date a celebrity."

"Ohh you lazy ass girl. I got no time for nonsense."

"Sorry... but I give up."

"Give up?! You haven't even started trying yet."

"But I don't see the point since he doesn't have feelings for me."

"That's what I am telling you!" she lowered her voice "He has feelings for you. I am hundred percent sure of it."

"Well, if you are right about all of this, then I will maybe date him."

"Yes! Good. That's the spirit, or kind of... I have to get back to work now. Namjoon is probably waiting."

"What about Jumin?"

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