(Future Diary) Yuno x Tomboy! Reader (O-S) (Pt.1/2)

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Request for: @cronaxmaka2001

My friend told me that Yuno is only 14 and I was kinda shocked, I mean...

*INTENSE COUGHING*What sorcery??? I didn't look like that when I was 14 :|

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What sorcery??? I didn't look like that when I was 14 :|

I actually don't know if it's true or not xD does anyone know if it is tho???

I actually have a lemon request for her right now so I'm just gonna hope she's around 16 or so :D

It's pretty short though I hope you all enjoy!

*(Y/N)'s Pov*

I stuffed my hands in my pockets of my pants as I walk to my next class.

I aimlessly looked around as I pushed through the hoards of students to simply make it to my destination.

I soon gave up and leaned against the wall, my hands behind my head as I waited.

Students began to clear the halls until only a few lingered.

I groaned and cursed under my breath as I hear the late bell ring.

I lazily swing my head and walk to my class.

Opening the door, everyone's eyes are on me.

"Ms. (L/N), you're late, again."
The teacher stated, emphasizing again.

"I didn't notice."
I responded sarcastically (Rebel Reader xD).

The teacher sighed,
"Please go to your seat."

I took a seat in the back of the classroom, one of the only seats left.

I tapped my fingers impatiently as class began.

"I'm sorry I'm late, Sensei!"
A girl with pink hair ran into the classroom.

I'm pretty sure her name is Yuno Gasai, I've never talked to her before, but she seems nice.

"It's quite alright, Ms. Gasai. Please take your seat."
The teacher responds much politer to her than they did to me.

I slightly scoff and put my chin in my hand.

Yuno looked around the classroom for a moment and her eyes lit up when they made contact with mine.

She quickly walked to the back of the classroom, taking a seat right next to me.

I didn't look at her, but I knew she was looking at me.

What's wrong? Do I have something on my face?

I bite my lower lip as I feel her eyes still protecting through me.

Should I... say something?

"Er... do you need something?"
I asked quietly.

"Would you like to come and get coffee with me after school?"
She smiled widely at me.

Where did that come from? I've never even talked to this girl before.

I was sort of shocked she asked in all honesty, I wasn't really sure what to say...
"Um... sure?"

She smiled even wider,
"Great! We can meet up at the school courtyard and walk there!"

"Ms. Gasai, Ms. (L/N)! Is there something more important than my lessons you need to talk about?"


I sat on a bench in the school courtyard waiting for Yuno to get here.

I sighed and looked at my watch, crossing my leg over my lap.

God, school cleared out fast, there's no one here but me.

Where is everybody?

I look around for a moment, chewing on the side of my cheek impatiently.

My words are cut off by a cloth covering my mouth and nose.

I breathe in and immediately become tired.

What the hell is this?!

My body starts to limp as I hear words fading,
"Don't worry, (Y/N)-chan! I'll take good care of you!"


I had no idea how to make the reader a tomboy so I made them a rebel idk xD I hope that's okay!

I hope it was okay!

I might make a second part of this that's the lemon since you guys seem to hate cliffhangers O.o

Happy Holidays everyone!!!

I wish you all the best <3

Song: Lottery
By: Train
(Train is awesome xD I saw them in concert!)

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