(Fairy Tail) Levy x Tomboy! Reader (O-S) (Pt. 2/3)

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Here's the second part to the previous one-shot ;)))

I hope y'all enjoy!!!

*3rd POV*

"Sooo, Levy... is there anyone here that you like?"
Lucy bats her eyelashes as she stares at Levy expectantly.

"Like? Of course!"
Levy looked up from her book, responding without hesitance.

Lucy perked up, hoping to hear (Y/N)'s name,
"Really? Who?"

"Well, I like everyone here! We're all family!"
Levy responds innocently.

Lucy hit her forehead onto the table and Levy looked taken aback by her self-inflicted injury.

"Don't you... y'know... like someone a bit more than the others? Kinda like them differently?"
Lucy slightly looks up with a red mark on her forehead.

"Uhh... what do you mean?"
Levy completely closes her book, interested in what Lucy could be implying.

"Isn't there someone here who you feel extra happy to see? Like whenever you see them your heart beats faster than usual?"
Lucy attempts to explain to her, struggling to find the words to describe the feelings of love.

Levy places her hand to her chin, thinking deeply,
"Hmm... I'm not really sure...?"

Lucy's bright energy immediately comes back and she stands up, knocking her chair over,
"Hey, that's a start! Who is it?"

Levy fidgets with her hands, looking down at her lap,
"Erm, I don't really know quite yet..."

'It's not quite what I wanted, but I guess that sorta works?'
Lucy thinks to herself, scratching her cheek in thought.

I was originally going to scrap the above writing, but I decided to keep it anyway lol xD so just enjoy the little bit above, since that's not really the one shot. Everything below this point is the part I really want to go with lol. Enjoy!

"This plan is definitely full proof! All we need to do is act natural and they won't suspect a thing!"
Mirajane says, confident in their plan to get (Y/N) and Levy together.

The girls walk over to where both Levy and (Y/N) were sitting, trying to act as inconspicuous as possible.

"Hey, guys! We were wondering if you two wanted to come with us this Saturday to a new bakery in town?"
Mirajane greets with a smile, while Lucy has a very odd expression.

"Oh, sure! That sound fun!"
Levy says and (Y/N) agrees with her.

"Are you okay, Lucy? You've got a weird look on your face."
(Y/N) chuckles at her obviously suspicious expression.

"H-huh? No, of course not! I'm just real excited to hang out this Saturday! Hahaheheh heh... heh..."
Lucy attempts to laugh but it just comes off even worse (such good acting Lucy :)))

"Uhh, Okay???"
The tomboy raises an eyebrow at her odd behavior.

"We'll see you both there, remember this Saturday!"
Mirajane saves at them, dragging Lucy away.

—Time Skip my dudes—

(Y/N) was slumping in her seat, admiring the interior of the bakery.

"Oh hey, (Y/N)! I guess we're both early, huh?"
Levy greets the tomboy.

"Oh, Levy you look really cute."
She compliments her and smiles charmingly.

"O-oh, really? Thanks!"
Levy slightly blushes as she sits across from her.

"So I guess the others aren't here yet, huh?"
(Y/N) begins small talk and they immediately became invested in their conversation, constantly changing topics.

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