Chapter 11

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An hour later I'm on a private jet flying to the boys' house in London. The song Banga Banga blasting in my head.

"Are you girls good?" Zayn asks heading to the bbathroom ignore him.

"Yeah wwe're fine. thank you." Jules says turning red. Zayn smiles and keeps walking.

"Zayn on yur way back grab me some food!" Niall yells.

" Get it yourself man"

Louis stands "ill get it" he walks near where Jules and I are, grabs a bag of nut, and chucks them at Nialls head.

"Ow Louis!" Niall complain jokingly

" Eat nuts Niall! Louis sits next to Jules. "Hey Darlin."

Jules opens her mouth, closes it, he. Says "be right back" she gets up and runs to the bathroom.

"Jules wait. Zayn is-" i try to warn but she opens the doer and we hear like 6 screams.

"Zayn I'm sooo sorry!" Jules cries. Louis falls on the ground laughing, as well as me, liam, hHarry and Niall.

" I love this girl!" Louis gasps. Making Jules smile hard.

An hour later, 6:37, the plan is preparing to land and The boys are prepping me and Jules on the dos and donts of paparazzi.

"Just try to ignore them. It's going to be super hard though!" Says Zayn.

" Tomorrow we are all going to a party and after that You and Harry will be all over the news" liam says.

" From then on it will be absolutely crazy. YYou'll get a lot of hatefull comments, death threats etc. Are you sure about this?"

" Well it's to late to back out" I say as the plane lands and all i can see from the windows are people with cameras pointed at me.

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