Chapter Six

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"Cut it out, both of you!" Mr Tracy roared as he ran to separate Scott and Daniel.
The two boys stopped hitting each other and stepped back. Scott had a split in his eyebrow and his lip while Daniel had a bloody nose and the beginning of a bruise under his eye.
"What the hell is going on?" Mr Tracy demanded.
"This guy's an asshole," Scott spat.
"Oh, I'm the asshole," Daniel scoffed.
"You knew Emilia had a boyfriend but flirted with her anyway," Scott yelled, "then you come in here and insult me."
"You punched me in the face after I looked after your girlfriend," Daniel responded.
"I think you should leave," Mr Tracy told Daniel, "it should be safe now.
"See you later, Em," Daniel said.
"You probably won't," Scott mumbled as he walked out of the room.
I watched my boyfriend leave feeling helpless, responsible and numb.
"Your dad is going to where they're keeping your mothers body," Mr Tracy told me, "you can go if you want to, but you don't have to."
"I should go," I said, "I'll just make sure Scott's okay first."
"She would've come around to the idea of the two of you together," Mr Tracy said, "it was all she talked about when you two were little."
"Thanks, Mr T," I said with a small smile before walking off.

Scott was standing over the sink staring in the mirror.
"Scott," I said softly.
"I'm sorry," he said, "I'm really good at making situations a hell of a lot worse."
"He was a bit of a dick," I said hugging Scott from behind, "I wanted to punch him after what he said to you."
"You just found out your mum died and I went and started a fight," Scott said.
I took a deep breath. It still hadn't really sunk in. It didn't feel real.
Scott turned around and held me at arms length. I got a good view of his face. He was starting to bruise along his cheek bone and his cuts were still bleeding. "Are you okay?"
I nodded. "Let me clean you up before I go."
Scott gave me a small half smile. I grabbed a wet cloth from next to the sink and started dabbing at the cuts.
"There's a possibility you might need stitches in your eyebrow," I told Scott.
"At least when it scars I'll look like a badass," he joked.
I rolled my eyes and laughed at how much of a dork my boyfriend was. "You already are a badass," I told him, "just please no more fights before you pick one with the wrong guy and get seriously hurt."
"Promise," Scott said before kissing my forehead.

"Are you sure you want to go in?" Dad asked as we stood outside the door of the room Mum's body was in.
The real answer was no. I didn't want to go in. I felt guilty enough that she was out looking for me when she was killed, I didn't want to see what I had done. I took a deep breath and nodded. Dad opened the door and we walked through. Mum was lying there looking like she was asleep. She didn't look hurt except for a few cuts and bruises on her face. Tears sprung to my eyes as I remembered our last conversation. It was a fight that I could've avoided if I had just told her about Scott and me sooner or if I hadn't got drunk the night before. All of this could've been avoided if I hadn't gotten drunk. I walked over to Mum's body and grabbed her ice cold hand. "I am so sorry," I said as the tears started welling up in my eyes.
"It's not your fault, kid," Dad promised me, "I'm the one that told her to go out and look for you." I could see he was trying to keep it together but it wasn't exactly working.
I walked over to Dad and gave him a massive hug. He hugged me back and broke down crying which set me off. I half expected Mum to sit up and tell us to stop being ridiculous and pull ourselves together but it never happened.
"Looks like it's just us now, kid."

A/N: Sorry this one is short but hey it's a chapter :P

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