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She saw him come in again.

This time, she wasn't working. It was her, the chair she always claims, Champagne Supernova by Oasis blasting in her ears, and Ten by Gretchen McNeil in her hands, reading it for the sixth time.

She glanced up for one second, and of course in that one second the blonde head of Caden entered the library. Her head snapped back down, burying it in her book, trying to avoid contact with the guy that she always finds herself staring at whenever he's near.

The last thing she wanted was for him to come near her, because then he might say hello.

Who's she kidding, he'd just walk by and not pay any notice to her.

Footsteps around her were just accepted as random library goers, until a pair of Nike's stops in front of her, and her eyes freeze on the page she's on like a deer in headlights.

"Good book?" His deep voice rang out, unnerving her instantly. She looked up slowly, emerald eyes clicking with his sapphire ones, locked in place. Feeling heat rushing to her cheeks, she broke eye contact and attempted to gather her bearings.

"Um, yeah. One of my favorites." She was flustered. A beautiful guy was standing in front of her, a guy she's never spoken to once, and she can barely form a proper sentence.

"So you've read it before." She nodded. "I was just curious cause it seemed a little... Short, compared to what you're usually reading."

"Yeah, I'm a... Heavy reader. I guess that's what you'd call it. I've loved reading since I was little. And I read this when I was... God I don't know. But I've read it countless times." He smiled at her, and took a seat in the chair next to hers.

"What's it about?" She looked at him in confusion.

Why did you just sit next to me? Why are you talking to me? Was racing through her mind.

She hesitated before answering him, her confusion still overwhelming.

"Well, um... I honestly can't do it justice. It's a murder mystery thriller, with some romance too. The basic storyline is ten teenagers on an island for a house party, when they loose any connection to the mainland and brutal murders happen. It's the best book, in my top three favorites list."

She looked at him, and he was just staring at her, in some kind of... Wonder. She smiled. He plucked a book from the stack she had arranged next to her and glanced at the title.

"Confessions of a Murder Suspect, by James Patterson. What's with you and murder, Princess?" She blushed at the nickname. Her comfort level around him was growing, barely.

"There normally has to be romance and at least one dead body in the books I read. But that's a gender neutral book, so if you want to read it you can. It's really good."

He looks at the cover, reads the description, then remains in his chair and opens the book.

They sit there together, reading silently, for two hours.

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