Q: What did the hurricane say to the coconut palm tree?
A: Hold on to your nuts, this is no ordinary blow job!
Q: Whats a condom and a coffin got in common?
A: They both hold stiffs but one is cumin and one is going!
Q: When is a man most intelligent, before, after or during sex?
A: During sex cuz he's plugged up to the knowledge source=:)
Sex is like a misdameanor, the more I miss it, da meaner I get
Q: Why do women like to have sex with the lights off?
A: They can't stand to see a man have a good time!
Sex is like math. Add a bed, Subtract the clothes, Divide the legs, and pray you don’t Multiply!
Q: How do you know if you have a high sperm count ?
A: If she has to chew before she can swallow.
Q: Two potatos are standing on a corner, how can you tell which one is a prostitute?
A: The one that says IDAHO!
Q: What did the penis say to the condom?
A: Cover me im going in!