"The Twilight Zone" - 1.1

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Huh? Is it morning already? I can feel a bright light shining directly over my head, as if it were penetrating right through my eyelids. "Ack, what the hell..." I put one hand over my face then let out a groan. It can't be morning already. The fact that I'm getting one hell of a migraine right now is proof enough that I haven't slept a full eight-hours yet. And even if I had, it should still be dark outside. I fell asleep pretty early last night. Did I oversleep?

Trying to find an easier way to avoid the blinding light overhead while I ponder my fate, I roll off to the side of the bed and lay face-down. The pillow and sheets welcome me hospitably and I start to drift off again. The bed feels so soft... almost too soft? My senses do a double take as I get a feel around a bit more. Wait. Satin sheets? Extremely soft pillow? Am I checked into a five-star hotel or something?

I prop myself over the bed using my arms and open my eyes. Everything was white. "Wha-" I jolt out of the bed in a split-second and haul myself to a stand. "Where..." Everything was white; the pillow, the sheets, the bed itself. Looking around, I see that the walls are too, and the ceiling, the furniture, even the floor. "Where the hell am I?!" I stand there petrified. What is all this? Am I just dreaming right now? Or is this all real?

"Finally awake now, are we?"

Awake? I don't think I even know what that word means anymore... But more importantly, there's someone else in here with me? Where? I restlessly look around the room, my eyes darting back and forth like crazy, searching for any sign of the person whose voice I just heard, but to no avail. I still see nothing but the white walls of the room on every side. "Who's there? Where are you?"

"I'm right here," he responds. 

"What are you talking about? Where are you?!"

"I already told you, I'm right here." his voice picking up a rather mocking tone. 

I can feel the blood rushing to my head. This guy's definitely just messing with me. Anger starts to replace the feeling of panic and anxiety. "S-"

"The more important question here is," he interrupts me before I could even utter a word, "where are you?"

"What do you mean, 'where am I'? I'm right-"...here? 

I abruptly cut myself off. I felt a little spark go off in my head. He's right.Where exactly is "here"? I still have no idea where I am. 

"You want to know, don't you?" he says. 

I could almost envision a creepy grin forming on his invisible face. He sounds like he's trembling with excitement, waiting for me, tempting me to ask him where I am or what this place is. But as much as I don't want to give him the satisfaction of that, it's not like I have much of a choice. "Where... am I?"

"I'm glad you asked!" he responds in a split-second, "Okay, get ready because I'm about to tell you right now. Oh, it's coming. Are you ready? Get ready! Because this little place that you're trapped in right now, kiddo, this place is called, wait for it... 'The Twilight Zone'!"



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