"The Twilight Zone" - 1.3

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"...what?" My mind goes blank for a second. Did I just hear that right? "Okay, hold up... I need to do... what now?"

"See, this is what happens when you take things at your own pace. I couldn't finish my lead-up to a satisfying explanation and now you're even more confused than you were before all this even started. Nobody wins!" My brain is still in the middle of processing what he just said a while ago. I... think I heard him right?

"Tsk. tsk. tsk. Oh well. Since I already told you what you needed to do, there's not much point in prolonging this little segment any longer now, is there? But don't worry, I'll find a way to get us back on track." he says in an obviously rehearsed semi-defeated tone, making it seem like he was expecting this to happen. "Now then, let me just explain further the rules of the game." This has to be some kind of prank.

"As I've already said, you have seven days to make this girl fall in love with you," as he says that, a large, hologram-like screen appears in front of me with an image of a girl whom I've never seen before on it, and written on the bottom of the image is what I can only assume is the girl's name; "Rina Snow". I'm absolutely dumbfounded. Again, I still have no idea what's going on but I can tell that all of this that's happening to me right now is real.

"And once you show me that you've done that, your job will be done and then it's party time. However," he continues, "since love is such an abstract notion, I'll need you to show me that you've completed your task with some concrete evidence."

"Like what?" I ask.

"A kiss." he replies, "Oh boy, isn't that romantic? You just need to get her to kiss you within seven days."

"Kiss me?" I couldn't stop myself from chuckling, "Alright then." If that's all it takes then this will be over in no time.

"Oh-ho, getting a little confident now are we? Well, hold your horses for a bit because I'm not done explaining just yet,"

"Sure, go ahead."

"*ahem* Alright. After you get her to kiss you, I will then proceed to bring you back to the first day where you will go for the other remaining girls."

"Wait. Remaining girls? What the hell are you talking about?"

"Check the screen again, kiddo."

I look at the huge projection in front me once more and, true enough, there are two other images on the screen displaying the "remaining girls". They're on either side of Rina Snow's image which is approximately six times bigger than theirs. I didn't notice them the first time, but they are in fact there. I can only barely make out the name or face displayed on either one because of how small they are though. But regardless, I think I see how it is now. "Alright, so, basically, I have three weeks to get all three of these girls to kiss me?"


"Heh, challenge accepted, then. Let's get st-"

"And just one more thing,"


"Of course, what's a good game without any penalties?" An image of his creepy grin once again pops up in my mind, but a little more sinister this time. "Well the catch is; If you fail even just once, which means not being able to get one of the girls to kiss you by the end of their seven days, I'll take your life."

"Wait, wha-"

"Alright, that's all. Have fun!"

Sonder ~ #JustWriteIt #AltEnding ~Where stories live. Discover now