Chapter 1

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Sorry this one's a bit crappy;  however, I haven't posted anything new in a while, and I wanted to get something up as soon as possible.  Hope you like it!


            “Wow,” breathed Amy.

“221B Baker Street!” proclaimed the Doctor.  “Home of the one and only Sherlock Holmes, and Dr. John Watson.  What do you think?” 

“It’s incredible,” said Amy, “but I still can’t believe this is all real.  How can there be an actual Sherlock Holmes?  No one on earth believed in his actual existence.  Arthur Conan Doyle said he was a fictional character.  This doesn’t make any sense.  And also, even if Sherlock Holmes is real, than how are we in modern day London?  I thought

Sherlock Holmes lived in the 1800s.”

“Of course it doesn’t make any sense, Pond!  You’ve spent all of your years believing that Sherlock Holmes was a little character inside a book that was marked as ‘fiction’.  Of course, the stories were all fiction; very good stories, I might add.  Doyle was a brilliant man that wrote wonderful mysteries.  However, the reason he marked Sherlock Holmes as a fictional character was to protect his identity. 

“Look all around you!  What do you see?  London!  That’s what you see, that’s what you hear, and that’s what you smell.  But this isn’t our London.  This is a different London, in a different galaxy, at a different time.  The reason no one knew that Sherlock Holmes was real was because that he didn’t exist in our world, but another one!  Doyle possessed a special tool that let him communicate with other galaxies.  He was messing about with it one day, and guess who he accidentally got in touch with?  Exactly.  Sherlock Holmes.  Holmes received a phone call one day from a man in the 1900s.  How that happened, they had no idea.  But here he was, fiddling with his iPhone, while a man rings him from an entirely different galaxy.  Past and present communicating.  It took them a while to get over that.  But they were both fascinated with each other, and Doyle was so impressed with Holmes’ detective skills, he asked if he could write detective novels about him.  As you could’ve guessed, Holmes said yes; on the condition that his identity would be kept a secret.  So Doyle wrote these marvelous stories featuring the mysterious and brilliant Sherlock Holmes, obviously setting him in the 1900s time frame, and they’re still read today.  Does that answer all of your questions?”

“Almost. I have one more,” said Amy.

“Well than, what is it?”

Amy smiled.  “Can we go inside now?”

The Doctor returned her grin.  “Of course.”

They started towards the house, and when they reached the steps, the Doctor turned around and faced Amy.  “Are you sure you believe me?”

Amy looked up at the Doctor and smiled, “I believe you.  And I believe in Sherlock Holmes."


Thanks for reading!  Tell me what you think in the comments (:

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