II- January 7, 1762- The Atlantic Ocean

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It has been one week since the Rosemary departed from London on that cold January morning, and all the people have grown bored and restless. Day by day, the same routine repeats. Wake up, eat a little, work, eat a little, then sleep. No fun whatsoever occurs on this trip. Mr. George Adams still does not regret taking this trip, for most of the family does have thoughts of going back.
Three people have passed on this trip so far. One fell overboard at night and the other two died of a nasty illness. This is the most dangerous journey one could make in this century.
As time goes on, the most confident of the Adams family grow bored and unhappy, for there is absolutely nothing to do. All of the passengers aged anywhere over six must work on the ship. All women and girls must clean while the men and boys must work the sails and navigation.
Martha, the Mrs. Adams has complete control of  the women and their duties while Mr. Adams is in charge of the men.
     It is kind of a system. Everyone works, but the rich are always in charge.
     As night approaches the seas get tougher. All of the passengers must wake up to keep everything in order because anything could break in a matter of seconds causing all life on board to end, for the ship is fifty seven years old and is made out of wood only.
   For there is no reason to worry about the past, but the future in the other hand, is s whole different story.

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