III- January 14, 1762- Near Destruction

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     It is a fine, foggy winters day and everyone feels happy. Though they are excited about what lays ahead of them, there is a part of them that is angry. A part of them that brings out the worst in them whenever they let it out on people. The reason for this feeling is simple. They are all tired and annoyed by the repetitive seasickness. But, luckily the excited, joyous part of them is keeping that in the dark.
     There isn't much work to do, so people get to do whatever they want. The children play tag and other little games. Men and women above the age of thirteen are usually talking, volunteering to work on the ship, and the older people just sit around and sleep or talk for the whole day. Every day.
     It has been two weeks since the Rosemary departed from England, taking thirty two brave souls over to the dangerous "New World."
Nathaniel's mood has changed since the days have gotten better. No one is mad, stressed, or depressed today on the outside. But we all know that what's inside is a whole different thing.
"How far away are we from the New World father?"asks Nathaniel.
"Nathaniel", he replies. "We are not even halfway there. But I suppose that we should have at least four weeks to go. This is a long and dangerous journey. Only the strongest of the strongest survive this trip."
     Father was wise. He was not old, but he was intelligent.
     "Strongest", Nathaniel asks, unsure of what father will say.
     "Strong in a physical way is partly what I mean. But what is more important is being strong mentally, and being strong in your heart. For those two are the most important of all. Your intelligence and love will help you along the way for the rest of your life. Nathaniel... tell your kids this and have them tell their kids and so on."
      Nathaniel stares at him with an "I understand" kind of look.
     "Yes father," Nathaniel says in a very understanding way.
Frederick, 6, butts in and starts crying because of what father said a few minutes ago about the time left on this journey.
"Oh shut up you little idiot!" , Nathaniel exclaims.
"Nathaniel watch your language," Martha calls out from a few feet away.
     Nathaniel had a giant urge to curse his mother for saying something so stupid. But gave his all not to because that would be just disrespectful and show that he had no class. But in his head, he was a total rebel.
It suddenly broke into a quiet stare competition. Each person staring eye to eye nonstop. There was no purpose of this. I guess whoever wins wins the argument, though it wasn't really an argument. Martha ended up winning. She has the most intimidating stare. Her stare makes you so intimidated that it makes you look down and away from her just as a regular wolf would do to his alpha.
Dead silence fell upon the ship. Then a strange noise suddenly came out from the starboard side of the ship. A dark, wide figure appears out of the fog resembling a ship two times as big as the Rosemary. It's dark, musty colors make people sick in the stomach. It's ghostly appearance makes it seem as if it has been brought back from the depths of the sea. It turns left so that is directly parallel with the Rosemary. The back of it rams the Rosemary hard creating a crack in the back of the ship. Men scurry down to where the crack is to fix it before it spreads causing the ship to completely split open and sink, and leading to the deaths of everyone on board. Long, brown planks hurl onto the side of the Rosemary.
"Women and Children to the bottom deck!", a man exclaims.
Women and Children scurry to the bottom deck where they would be safest.
Nathaniel had to stay on deck only because he was male and over sixteen.
"Who are they," Mr. Jackson from Edinburgh asks.
"I don't know. They have no flag so, that means that they aren't part of any group or country," Father replied.
After about thirty more seconds, men dressed in long, orange leather coats walk across the finely made planks and on to our ship.
The man who seems to be their leader speaks up and says, " Hallo. Wir sind Teil der deutschen Armee und Verbündete des Königs von England. Alles was wir wissen wollen ist, wer du bist und was willst du in der Neuen Welt tun?
"What is he saying," Mr. Jackson asks.
"He says that he is German and that they are allies of the King. They want to know who we are and what our intentions are for the New World," Father Replies. "I'll talk."
"Hallo. Wir sind auf dem Weg in die neue Welt aus London, England. Unsere Absichten sind, sich in Boston niederzulassen und ein neues Leben zu führen. Wir meinen keinem Schaden irgendjemandem." He replied with a loud voice.
The German leader finally finished it off by saying, "OK. Entschuldigung für die Beschädigung Ihres Schiffes. Wir müssen uns auf den Weg machen. Auf Wiedersehen."
"Auf Wiedersehen!" Father yelled angrily as the German captain exited the ship and back onto his own. "Do. they really suppose that they can just ram a ship, risking the lives of innocent people? It's absurd! Don't mind me saying this but I truly wish for them to rot in the depths of hell! The king, their allies, their army!"
     Everyone just stood and stared at him for a while in awe.
     "Get back to work" He yells in pure anger.
After about a five minutes, the shiny, fine planks lifted off the ship's side and disappeared back onto their own.
      Martha pulls
"Down here," a man yelled.
All of the men began racing down to the bottom deck only to see the hole patched up but also three dead bodies. They were two women and one man. When the back of the German ship hit the Rosemary, the wood sprung inward, hitting them. On the bodies there were limbs missing and just pure gore. Blood spilled all over the floor. The other women and children in the background were weeping and screaming. The whole ship was filled with pain, anger, and an immense amount of sadness... absolutely nothing that a person should feel all at once.
     "The blast from the back of the ship must have been so hard that it blasted them enough to kill them in one of the most brutal ways possible,"
     Everyone turned around to see who said that. It was the captain.
     "Well well well," Mr. Jackson said. "Where the hell have you been?"
     "I-I-uh, I was sleeping," the captain said.
     "You're kiddin me right," Mr. Jackson questioned him with an angry tone in his voice.
     "No, and I'm sorry. It won't happen again. Please forgive me?" He says.
     Mr. Jackson walks up to him. He raises his hand and launches it forward. The captain goes flying backwards, hitting his head in a wood plank, and knocking him out.
     Everyone just sat and stared in awe. No one knew what to say, do, or even think.
     Mr. Jackson walked up to the captain's unconscious body and said with a laugh, "Forgiven."
     Over the next few hours everything was pretty quiet. The captain woke up about three hours after he was hit. He was perfectly fine and conscious.
     Once he was conscious enough to talk clearly he said quietly, "I'm fine. Although it is very unfortunate that those three poor souls perished in that horrifying manner, we should all be happy that no one else got injured or hurt."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08, 2017 ⏰

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