Friend time with Xiumin

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"Hey (y/n)!" Xiumin yelled running up to you.

"Xiu," you said startled.

"Oh, I'm sorry I didn't mean to startle you," he said upset for startling you.

"Don't worry about it," you say smiling to assure everything was ok,"so what's up?"

"I was wondering if you'd like to hang out sometime?" He said looking up at you blushing.

"I'd love to, the house other guys won't mind if I crash your time together?" You ask.

"Oh, um," he starts to say getting redder with each word," it'll only be us. Is that okay?"

"Oh, well I guess why not," you said trying hard to not blush,"somwhen do you want to meet up?"

"Um, how about I come over later and let you watch the new Exo video?" He asked.

"Sounds great," you said, feeling your face become pink,"so I'll make you dinner?"

"Ani! Ani!" He insisted,"I'll help you cook." He finished with a big smile.

"Ok then, what do you want to help make?" You ask,"how about kimchi soup?"

"THAT'S MY FAVORITE!" He smiled reminding you of a child.

"I know, you've told me many times," you laughed.

"I... I didn't think you actually listened," he said with his face as red as a tomato,"so um... I'll see you around five?" He asked changing the topic.

"Yeah, I guess," he hugged you and rushed off. 

"Man that kid is adorable....." you thought to yourself.

You went to the store, you got the things needed to make the kimchi soup, got water, and you picked up things to make blueberry muffins. Once you checked out and got home, Xiumin arrived just in time to force you to sit down and carry all of the groceries in himself. 

The two of you started the soup. While cutting the vegetables to go into the soup, you cut your finger.

"Y/n! NEO WEANCHANH NI!?(are you ok)" he rushed over to you.

"Ne, I'm fine," you smiled to assure him.

"How about you go sit down and I'll finish preparing it," he said,"I am a very good cook."

"But I want to help," you said really wanting to help.

"Well," he said, "let's get you cleaned up first."

He took you to the bathroom, you sat on the toilet seat while he doctored you.

"Does it hurt?" He asked examining the bandage on your finger.

"Ne," you said as he unexpectedly kissed your finger.

"Modu johda? All better?" He asked looking at you.

"Y-yes, gomabseubnida" you said trying to not turn red. He smiled, washed his hands, and asked if you still wanted to help, with the soup. When you told him you did, he rushed you downstairs. There you finished what the two of you started before you needed Doctor Boazi.

Not long after, it,was ready to cook. While it cooked, you and Xiumin went and sat on your couch. You trying to figure out if he kissed your finger to be a good friend or for another reason. Your train of thought was broken when he put his arm around you and you looked at him.

"So, um how about that music video?" You sat up causing him to remove his arm.

"Oh, yeah," he hesitated and grabbed his computer.

"What is the song?" You asked.

"Call me baby," he said looking at you.

"What?" You asked suddenly.

"The song, it's called call me baby," he said.

"Oh," you said a bit relieved.

You watched the video," wow, its great!" You said looking up as he looked down at you, not realizing how close you were to him. You almost kissed him. You jumped up,"XIUMIN, I'M SO SORRY! I DIDN'T MEAN TO!" You jumped up.

"Don't worry about it," he laughed,"you're so cute. The way you jumped up and apologized."

You couldn't help it, you were blushing so hard at this moment.

"Y/n, are you okay?" He asked,"you're really red..."

"Ne, ne , ne. I'm fine," you rushed to the kitchen to get water to try and cool yourself down. At this time, the stove beeped indicating the food was ready.

Not even a second after the soup beeped, Xiumin was by the pot smelling the soup.

"Oh, it smells great!" He exclaimed getting a bowl. He made a bowl as you went to get a bowl, he put a second bowl on the table.

"Are we expecting a third person, or are you that hungry?" He laughed.

You sat down and you two ate the food you made.

"So, maybe we could watch a movie. You know, before I leave and go my house," he asked.

"Sure, what movie?" 

"Do you have Dragon Ball?" He asked.

"Uh, yeah," you said," who doesn't? It's only the best movie made."

Once the both of you finished eating, he had your go find the movie and he cleaned the dishes to suprise you. When you came down, you curled in your blanket and sat on the couch on the opposite side of Xiumin.

"Y/n," he started and you noticed him merely shivering," c-can you share that blanket?"

"Oh, I'm sorry Xiu," you said throwing part of the blanket at him.

He scooted towards you "You don't have to sit so far from me," he said looking sad. 

"I-I know," you stuttered.

"Then come help me be warm," he sighed.

You scooted towards him, he put his arm around you and you fell asleep. Around 5am you woke up suddenly. "XIU!" You yelledwaking him up.

"What! Are you ok?" He shot up.

"Nothing, you should be at home!" 

"I'll be fine," he kissed your head,"get some more sleep. You'll need it."

You leaned away after he kissed your head.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Am I making you uncomfortable..." he asked  looking really worried,"don't hate me. I shouldn't have done that.... I'm sorry."

"No, Xiu, it's fine," you started,"im just confused about things."

He leaned closer and laid you on the couch. With a kiss on the cheek, he whispered,"y/n I know you probably don't like me the way that I like you.... but I really love you and I care about you and I can't hide it anymore. I want you to call me baby. I came up with the song idea. And I hoped letting you hear it you'd want to call me baby. But... but I don't think you like me the same way I like you."

"Xiu," you turned to face him as you saw a tear roll down his cheek, you wiped it off,"Xiumin, don't cry, I love you too..."

"Do you really?" He asked getting really excited.

"Y-yeah," you said blushing.

"Will you... uh," he started.

"Yes, I'd love to," you smiled.

"Thank you, not get some sleep babe," he said snuggling up to you.

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