Dream of Me

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I've been waiting for you
To say, say what I always 
Knew you would say:
"I don't love you like 
I once did." 

Your heart is ice cold,
You loved me yesterday,
But you just can't love
Me forever, and I'm fine
With that because I've 
Gone and gotten myself 
Into a huge mess. 

I've fallen in love 
With someone I don't even know,
And I wish they would just leave
Because I know it's going 
To happen sooner or later.

"I can't love you tomorrow," 
Your love was brought down 
By an ending high; you see, 
My love was never enough
For you because I CAN'T 
Love you, not when I don't.

I'm in love with him,
Someone I don't even know,
And I'm sorry if you wanted me
To be the one for you because
You changed, forever.

I addressed it once
And you did nothing to change it,
But, I don't know, maybe
I never loved you from the start
Because I met him and 
Something inside of me 
Set off like a spark.

The chances he'll love me
Are slim to none, but I keep holding on
To this inkling of hope when
I'm too little and far too late.

I wish he would notice me,
But it's best if I keep my distance
Because who would ever want to be
A part of my dysfunctional life?

I'm a stranger, something to be forgotten
As time moves on. 
I am not something to be dwelled upon,
I am an insignificance,
I am incomplete and momentary.

And although I find myself unworthy,
If you deem me worthy,
I hope you dream of me because
Then, maybe, I'll mean something 
To someone, someone I love.

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