See What I See (Take Me Away)

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See what I see,
These demons inside
Won't leave me be,
And I'm falling apart
From the inside.

Take me away,
Nothing is the same,
And I swear I can't breathe
Every time I see your face.

I'll tear it all apart
Because nothing is 
The same as it once was.

I've lost sight,
These demons have blinded me,
And nothing looks like home.
How can I breathe now?

You're gone and darkness has
Filled up my eyes as I glimpse
Nothing beyond this barren waste
Of what I have become.

It's not the same,
You seem different.
You've changed, you seem...
Happier without me.

Maybe I was just an obstacle 
On your path through life, or 
Maybe I was just another stone
Waiting to be thrown.

How can I ever breathe again?
Each breath I take rattles, 
It feels as though my lungs are
Weighed down, and there's 
Nothing I can do.

Pry this darkness from my eyes,
I swear something has changed
Because you don't remove the darkness,
Not anymore. 

He does.

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