The Magic in Life

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**This story is in several parts, each part will be seperated by a bracket saying what the next part will be about.**

(You and The Magician)

Every time they go there  they do it. You always want to watch but you  can't. You feel awkward, you feel out of place, you feel like you don't  belong. Even though you  do, you know you do. Even though you just came  back from something  where you are important. But you never feel like you  belong, so you  just shrug it off and keep going.

(You and The Audience)

You always watch, you  always play along, you laugh when they do, you  applaud when they do.  You do it all. Everything. Just, from a distance.  You wish it didn't  have to be this way, but it does.

(Just You)

It  has to be this way  or it will upset the balance of the universe; Or at  least you tell  yourself that so you don't feel like as much of a  failure, even though  you know deep down you're not a failure at all.  You're a strong  independent *and sarcastic* young woman.

(You and Other people)

You  don't think you  are, but in all fairness nobody thinks they are; they  all think that  other people are better and then they forget themselves  and they to be  clones of whoever looks the best, acts the best or (in  their opinion)  is the best at that time. And when they do that they're  just wasting  their time, so you just stay as you are and regret it all  the time.

(You and The Magician)

But.  Oh well nothing is  going to change, it's not like you're ever going to  say more than a  passing hello, nevermind have the courage to. That's  just the way  things are, you're you, a 15 year old girl with a lack of  self esteem  and confidence. And they are them, also a 15 year old but  with  confidence to spare and a pack of cards always at hand if they see  an  opportunity to shock and amaze people. You two are almost opposites,   but only almost, you're not quite there yet thankfully.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 20, 2017 ⏰

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