Secret Soulmates Book 1 Part 1

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Part 1

My head was pounding as if the center of my head was sending off huge waves and throbs into my skull. The blood in my veins felt as if it was fighting its self for space while making my veins expand. The bones in my body felt as if they were trying to break away from the marrow. I ran down the stairs and ran into the kitchen. I stumbled over the chairs and yanked open the cutlery drawer. I grabbed a knife and made a swift clean cut on my arm. I did not cut hard enough to hit a major vein because you see, I don't want to die, I just want to make it stop. This happens quite often actually. It is excruciating to be in that much pain, cutting myself is the only way to escape. I lay down on the cold wooden floor and closed my eyes and allowed myself to go into the black numb nothingness.

He held my hand and would not let it go. His touch sent little tingles through my hand. My blond hair hung near my waist. My bangs swept to the side of my face just below my eye. He stopped and looked at me. His eyes were a blue that made you want to melt. His dark brown hair hung around his ears and the light brown natural highlights glowed in the bright sun. His nose was a perfect arch. He traced a symbol on my hand and then kissed it. He wrapped his arms around me and hugged tightly. He whispered "forever, forever, forever."

I rinsed my hands and raced up the stairs into my room. I slammed the door and started to think about what my dream meant. "Forever", I whispered to myself. Maybe it meant that I will be like this forever, or will be forever wondering what it would be like to have a normal life. Maybe it meant nothing at all. Whatever. I got up and went into my bathroom. My aunt felt that I needed my own bathroom and my own porch. I live with my aunt and her new husband after my parents died. They had gotten into an accident after dropping me of at school. A wolf was on the road and my dad swerved to miss it and hit a tree. My mom lived long enough to get into surgery and died on the table. I was 14 at the time. Even though that happened a year ago it still feels like yesterday. I walked into my bathroom and brushed my teeth. When I was done I slipped into my black flannel P.J.'s. I slipped into my bed and turned off my lamp.

Forever, forever, forever. The word circled in my head. What had he meant? I just need to focus my mind on something else. Okay. Something else.

When I woke up the sun was shining brightly through my windows. I ran my fingers through my silky blond hair and got up to brush my teeth. I turned the faucet of the shower on and slipped in. Teenagers my age can rarely have a shower less than thirty minutes but somehow I managed to finish in fifteen. I continued to my dresser and put on a red tank top and black capries. In the middle of summer in Florida you did not need a heavy jacket. I slid on my red flip-flops and grabbed my purse. I ran down the stairs and jumped into the kitchen."You must be feeling good today." My aunt said. Her long black hair was tied into a bun on the back of her head. Her clean sharp face was in total lack of make-up but she didn't need it. Her natural beauty was breath taking enough without it. The only make-up she was wearing was a slight trace of clear lip gloss. I smiled and said, "Great, you look amazing by the way." Her cheeks blushed red. "Thank you, so do you. How's school anyway? Want a ride?" "Great and sure" I smiled at her and grabbed an apple out of the fridge. I personally like apples the most but oranges are good too. I threw her the keys and ran out the door. I stopped and closed my eyes as I drew my head back as I melted in the sun. I let out a sigh and jumped into the hood of the jeep and slip into the seat from the sunroof. I honked the horn and slid my feet into the dashboard. Sheila slipped out of the door an locked it. She opened the door of the jeep and slid in the seat."So," she said" any cute guys at school that you like at school?" "Don't-" "Razzina, please, I feel as if I don't know anything about your life, I mean how your grades are? How are your friends? I never see them, do you even have any? "Yes I do have some friends and my grades are good." "Well, how am I supposed to know? You never talk about it." "I am sorry, really, but, I don't know..." "All right I will leave it at that." "Thank you, for taking me after my parents died, you didn't have to-" "Yes I did, I love you like a daughter, I did ever since I first laid eyes on you, your mother knew that and she loved it to know that if something happened to her you would be loved and taken care of." " I love you so much, thank you, you are like a mother to me." Sheila smiled and wiped a single tear from her eye. "I just wish you would tell me more about your life." "I will and I really need to go" I said when the bell rang. I hugged her and gave her a kiss on the cheek. "Bye" we said in unison. I smiled and ran out of the car. The pathway to GQ Secondary was quite worn down by all the students, teachers, and visitors walking on them. The school was 3 floors high, with a mid-evil architecture theme. The white doors were all wood with a medal lining. The halls were busy with kid trying to prepare for their next class.

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