Secret Soulmates

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"So, Luke where are you from?" I ask, trying to make small talk to distract my thoughts.

"I'm from all over. How about you? Where you born here?"

"No, I wasn't." I single tear runs down my face. I miss them so much.

"Hey." He says sympathetically, closing his hand on mine. "You don't have to tell me if you don't want to."

"No, it's fine." I say. I should get over it soon. "My mom and Dad died a month or so ago, it's just hard to think about it." I am shocked. He seems relieved or even happy. I look at him curiously and he seems to snap out of it and look sad.

"So, where were you born then?"He doesn't want to give up, I can tell. He seems to have an ulterior motive, but I'm not sure what.

"I was born in Madagascar. My mom was there for a was month trip when she found out she was a month and a half pregnant she decided to stay and after I was born she decided to stay. That was before she... never mind.

"Please tell me."He says sadly.

"She lost her mind and committed suicide. After that my Dad died two weeks later from a car crash. He was driving drunk. He was usually drunk after my mom died. She was the love of his life. His high school sweet-heart."

He has that relieved look on his face again.

"So, were you born then?"

"New Mexico."

"I see."

After school a run to the car as fast as I can. Sheila looks at me curiously and her eyes widen as she looks past me. Luke is running up to the jeep. "Go!" I say at a loud whisper. She looks at me like she knows what's going on but doesn't go. He runs up and says "Hey, you busy Friday night?" Sheila adjusts her seat and smiles. The worn black leather is warm on my shoulders from the sun. "Yes" I say." I am busy." I look at my aunt and mouth ,Go!. She smiles and hits the gas.

"So, who's that?' She asks. I smile, knowing the conversation I am heading to.

I tell her about the dream and then my day only I say it was a dream that I got while sleeping not passes out from blood loss. She sighs and nods. She says nothing else which I am thankful for. I pull my knees to my chest and rest my head on them. I am very tired I think I will do my homework then have a nap. I enjoy my alone time but I feel bad about not spending more time with Sheila.

"When we get home would you like to watch All my Children with me?" All my Children is a soap opera I watch with my aunt.

"Of course." I say. I can just fall asleep on the couch and still spend time with her.

The car pulls up to our five story mansion. We pull into the garage and I climb out of the car. My shoes are worn and they are developing a hole in front. My aunt notices this and suggests that we go shopping. I agree because I get to skip school and skip Luke. We are going to the mall and I get a credit card for myself. I don't have a limit because we have a lot of money to spare.

I sleep right away. In my dream Luke appears. We talk then he hugs me and I wake up. I am in bed at its five thirty a.m. I fling my legs over my bed and walk to my bath room. My blonde hair looks like a troll. I hop into the shower to wash off my sweat. It is too hot out. I don't know why Sheila put the winter quilt on me, it seems kind of weird. I rush my teeth to get rid of my morning breath then raid my walk in closet. I decide on short shorts and a medium sleeve blue shirt. The shorts are black and not too short to be trampy. I put on some eye-liner and mascara. I put my black cowboy boots and grab my black Gucci purse. I walk down the stairs and walk outside in the back yard. The pain starts again. Worse this tome though. I crumple onto my knees and pull then into me as hard as I can. I open my eyes and see Luke standing over me. I think I am hallucinating but I feel his touch. He lifts me up and set me on the grass. He grabs both my hands and put them in one hand then he put the other on my forehead. He closes his eyes. The pain slowly starts to fade and I can breathe again. My sweaty chest moves up and down.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27, 2010 ⏰

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