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Warning: Language.

$Holly's POV$

The bike came to a stop, I gently got down from the bike and all I could see were huge tall trees and birds that would probably eat me up after being killed.

It was so dark and scary, the breeze giving goosebumps, the noise of the trees giving chills with the horror movie vibe and it's the end. It totally looked exactly like the same woods in some scary movie. He held my hand and began to pull me into the woods with him.

He probably has been here a couple of times, he walked it like he owned the place, just exactly like someone I liked.
Ohkay I don't think it's the best time to be talking about such things right now.

I realized he hadn't taken off his helmet and I had already dropped mine on the bike. We continued to walk for what felt like years, I began to really think of all the bad things that this stranger could easily do to me. In addition to that, I'm not even sure if I owned my life right now.

All power belongs to you Jesus. I know I haven't prayed to you in a while, but please help me disappear.

Due to so much fear, I tripped on a tree root along the way and landed right on my front .
"Can you at least please tell me where we are heading off to?"

I pleaded as I began to leap on my bruised knee.
He turned to me, to my surprise he picked me up in a bride style, leading me to rest my head on his solid chest. At this point, I didn't know what to think anymore.

I could inhale his cologne.It smelled so familiar and so good, I tried to remember where I had inhaled it from but I couldn't make out.
I tried looking up to meet his eyes at least trying to get a clue of who he is but the dude still had his helmet on. It was nearly impossible.

Resting my head back on his chest was the only thing I could do. Even if I tried screaming, it was no use. No one would hear, no one could hear.

No one should be this stupid following a stranger this far.
There was no hope, at least I died by a sexy ass's hands. I bet his face is just as fine. I moved my head up to the crook of his neck then something caught my eyes, it was a black ink definitely a tattoo.

Hmm a tattoo on the sexy stranger fucking perfect. It was really dark but I could still figure it out. Curiosity got the best of me and I kept trying to read what was written on his neck. It was pretty dark then I remembered my watch has a little touch light. I brought my wrist closer to his neck and flashed it to where the written tattoo was and to my surprise it said ĐΔŘΞØ(Dario).

"What the actual fuck Dario." I immediately jumped off him groaning when the pain shot through my knee. "Dario you've got to be playing me right now. I should have known it was you all this while the sexy as body, the bad boy bike, the cologne, the whole hoodie boy appearance." I couldn't care less of what I was saying right now. I was hecking beyond pissed.

"So you were spying on me while I was dressing up." he pulled off the helmet putting on the annoying popular smirk he wears all the freaking time.
"It wasn't my fault I was looking out my window and I believe the Lord blessed me with a view that matches your eyes." he said pointing at my body.

"Ohhh, very good. So as the Lord has shown your face to me to cast you to your mum." I said leaping back to the direction we were coming. Hopefully I get back to the bike. It's not like I can ride it though, I'd still have to wait up for the asshole. "So God help you babe." he says walking closely behind me before he speaks again.

"Well, if you choose to do this and that, I mean reporting me to my mum, I might as well just fully commit, posting this sexy ass on Instagram and twitter and oh yh, on the schools forums and blogs." he said pulling out his phone from the jacket pocket before typing away on his screen.

"Dario, you wouldn't dare" if only looks could kill.
"Ahh let's see." Dario smirks, pulling the sleeves of his shirt.

"What the hell do you want, what is it you want." he smiles, opening his sexy mouth, speaking of hell, I am in deep shit.

"Very well then, if you insist. Now let's get down to business." Staring at me dead in the eyes.
"A kiss from you anytime I want no matter the place and time and if you don't want then I might as well just upload it. It is as simple as it is."

"Am I that difficult for you to get that you had to go through all this bull?" He has to be joking.

"What fun would it be if I get you like I did to every other girl?" I think I'm the only one not getting the point here.

"Look pretty boy, I know you are kind of feeling a bit in the moment..." Breath.
"But could you at least just come up with something else, something sensible, at-least I know you are capable of that."

Dario shook his head slightly
"And I'm guessing you are not."

Hold the fuck on.
Even my feet did.

"Well I'm not the one in the middle of the woods with a stranger who could have been a killer?, rapist? , kidnapper?.
No offense but you are the one not sensible here."


"Anyways, without further ado, are you in or are you out."

"Are you joking?"

"It's left to you babe."

"You're kidding."

I affirm, throwing my hand up in the air with my eyes wide open. "No baby strictly business."

Dario stretches out his hands for a shake, nudging me to take it with his eyes.

"Perfect," he whispers.
"Now babe I think I deserve a kiss don't I?"
I rolled my eyes at him, turning away. "Well fine then, have it your way." he said picking out his iPhone.

I quickly aimed to grab his phone but he successfully avoided my hands, which left me no choice but to pull his head lower to my length and then place a small kiss on his lips.
For the love of God.

"Tsk tsk tsk, you really shouldn't be pecking me." he smirks.

Yo, I mean it's a dream kissing him but I was expecting something maybe more romantic, you know, sweet not a fucking blackmailing deal.

I placed another kiss on his lips.
"That still wasn't a kiss babe." He whispers.

For all the times he had called me babe, had my heart skipping beats.

"Have you always been this sick or just fucked in the brain."
I am playing with fire. I might as well just get burnt.
"Never had experience?, well I'd be more than glad to teach you."

He pulled me closer, staring at my lips with him subconsciously licking him, he almost looked dazed.
Dario places his left hand on my waist and right hand at the side of my face before slowly connecting his lips to mine.

The way he kissed, soft , the way he moved, slow.
His lips felt so good against mine.
I kissed him back gracefully, with him licking my bottom lips for entrance in which I gave him full access to devour my mouth with his.

He pulled me closer to him as my hands found their way to his hair with me running my hands through his black soft hair, wishing the moments never stopped but it did, prior to the loud angry cloud above us.

It felt so good, I was going to cry.

"We need to head back, I think it's going to rain."
After a few minutes I could finally see the bike in sight. I got on his bike and he handed me the helmet which I gladly took from him.
Not planning to die soon.

"Thank you." I almost sounded shy, resting my head on his back, Dario brought his bike to life and he rode off, before I knew it I was fast asleep, with a smile on my face of course.

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