Author's Note

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  • Dedicated to To All of My Readers And Fans,

Dear Readers,

So far, it has been a crazy journey with posting and all. I can't even begin to explain how thankful I am to have writers like all of you. It's an awesome feeling knowing that someone is really into what you're writing, and I don't even know how to say thank you enough.

You've all stuck with me through everything. From my 'I'm too busy to post' stage, to my 'I'm having writer's block,' 'I don't want to write,' and even my 'Why the hell am I even writing?' stage. It's so great knowing that someone actually cares if you're not uploading, which really makes me want to write.

Anyways, concerning this book. Sarah's gone and has taken a job with the Ministry of Magic under Kingsley's rule, and will be gone for a while. So, this leads into the next book...

It's posted already! Here's a link to it (although you won't be able to copy and paste it. I'll post the link in the comments, too):

I hope you like it, and really hope you continue to read on!

I'll talk to you soon!


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