Chapter 15- Meeting

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Sarah's POV
God, is this déjà vu?

Trapped in a dark, cold, stone dungeon, covered in blood, being beaten. Ah, the good old days... Yeah, right.

This dungeon seems too familar, though. I mean, I guess all dungeons are the same, but this one is very familiar.

Then it hits me.

I'm at Malfoy Manor.

I bang the back of my head against the moist stone walls as I slump down on the ground. This isn't how I am going to help Harry, Hermione, and Ron!

Ron, where are you now? Please be safe, I could never forgive myself if you were hurt, or..worse. I can't even bring myself to say the worst possible thing that could be happening to him right now.

More then anything right now, I wish I could just be with him. I take back all angry feelings I've ever had about him. I just need to be able to hear his voice from him, not a stupid Patronus. If I could only get out of here... It just sucks that I can't Apparate due to my injuries and these dungeons are magic-proof.

Oh Ron, why can't I even see your face in my dreams? I try as hard as I can to be able to see your face in my dreams, but every morning I wake up after a dreamless sleep.

Even if I could hold your hand for 10 seconds, just to get me through this, I'd be okay.

I run my fingers along the gash that is going across my stomach. It's not bleeding anymore, but it's not healing. It still hurts like hell, but the worst is my ankle. It's still broken, and me being hit down the stairs isn't helping.

My stomach growls after 2 days of not eating.

Screw this! I'm breaking out!

"Wormtail!" I scream.

I hobble over to hide behind the doorframe, and wait to here Wormtail shuffling lazily down the steps. He's mumbling about me disturbing him, and when he finally opens the dungeon door, I hit him on the collarbone, causing him to fall to the ground, passed out. I quickly take his wand, and use a Body-Binding charm for good measure.

"Accio my wand!" I whisper.

My scarlet and gold wand comes flying into my hand. I hobble over to my bag and throw it over my shoulder, giving the dungeon a once over before shutting the wrought iron door behind me.

I look down at Wormtail's wand in my hand, and an evil smirk tugs at my lips. I lean against a wall for support and hold my knee up, taking both sides of the wand in my hands, and snap it over my knee. I throw the two pieces of Wormtail's useless wand into the dungeon, and stealthly make my way up the dungeon steps.

Once above ground, I take a deep breath. I'll never be able to sneak out of here unnoticed, so I have to Apparate.

I Apparate to the first place I can think of- Aberforth Dumbledore's house.

I fall to the floor from the pain in my ankle. I hear shuffling above me, and soon Aberforth comes running down.

"Sarah? Oh my- You're bleeding. I'll go get Neville and-" he starts, but I cut him off.

"No! Don't get anyone, please. I just escaped from Malfoy Manor and had to Apparate here. Please, just fix me," I say quickly.

His eyes sweep over my body, full of conflict. I know he doesn't want to betray my pleads by getting Neville but it does seem like the best thing to do. But he can't. Neville will take me back to the Room of Requirement and Body-Bind me during the day so I can't escape again.

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