chapter 1

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I looked at the clock and it showed 5:20am. “Oh great, I only have 30 minutes, I gotta hurry”, I said to myself while sitting alone in my room. I picked out something to wear and took my phone and money. I quietly went down the stairs, trying not to wake up my dad. After leaving my house I took out my earphones and plugged them into my phone. I needed to listen to music, it’s a habit. Music is my life, I don’t know what I would do without it … I probably wouldn’t even be here. I entered Coffee Palace and ordered one cappuccino and a coffee. After finishing my cappuccino, I paid and went back home.

As I was walking home, I saw what looked like a fight. I could see a few boys beating up one guy. I didn’t what was happening for sure, but it looked like 2 guys were trying to help the guy on the ground while the others kept hitting him. Fuck. I thought to myself. What should I do? I threw my coffee on the ground in panic and started running towards the group of boys when a thought crossed my mind. Those two boys can’t even stop them, what can I do? I  stopped and stared, maybe I should yell something.

“For God’s sake, stop fighting!”, I yelled which resulted in all their heads turning my way.

“And who do you think you are? God’s slave?”, one of the bullies said while laughing.

“No but at least I have brain to know that violence doesn’t solve anything.” I suspected that the one who I was talking to, was one of the bad guys.

“That’s enough Marcus let him go. He is not worth it.” I heard a guy say to Marcus, apparently. He gave the guy on the ground one more look and kicked him in the stomach one last time. “This isn’t over”, he said threateningly and then left him.

 I approached the beaten up guy but his friend stopped me. ,,I'll take care of it. You can go now.'' I gave him a worried look but decided to leave anyway. “Hey you!” he yelled.

 ,,I'm Shay by the way and what is it?”

“Alfredo. Nice too meet you  in this interesting situation.” He said waving his hand around, gesturing the damage that has been done. Then he gave me a hand and I took it.

“Thank you for saving his life. I'm sure he’ll want to thank you himself when he’s better himself.''

,,It’s not necessary. Tell him it’s okay. Now I have to go so bye.''


“Hey Daddy I'm home.'' I shouted.

“Hey sweetie. Where were you?'' he smiled and then hugged me.

“I was-well. I was just out. I needed some fresh air.'' I hated when I had to lied to my dad.

,,Oh okay. I made you breakfast. I have to go now but I'll be home in the evening okay?''

,,Okay. But I have to go to school so see you later.'' he kissed my forehead.

,,Fine. I love you darling.''

,,I love you too.'' I said goodbye to him and then went to the kitchen. Honestly, I wasn’t hungry but I ate it anyways because my dad made it. I ran up the stairs into my room and changed my clothes to be ready for school.

I walked out my house towards the bus stop, I gladly didn’t miss the bus. When I sat down, all sorts of questions about the boy went through my head. Why would he do something like that? Who were those guys?

“Um may I?''

“What? Oh hey of course.'' I was shocked when the person who was sitting next to me was the boy who I practically saved this morning.

“I just wanted to say thank you.''

“I told Alfredo, that its fine. Don't worry about it anymore okay?''

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