Chapter 23: Stab 刺す

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Disgusting, so disgusting. What should I expect from that pervert? And now it makes sense why every corners of this facility have CCTV cameras. He's recording every scandalous event in this building. There is this video of men in scrub suit sexually harassing the fake Moa and Yui. And what is this? That pervert touched me! This is indeed sickening. It's like my insides are swirling out of disgust. I throw the laptop away refusing to see everything. My gosh! Why is this happening to me? I felt so dirty, inside and out. Now I realized what that bleach-like smell is, semen, dried up semen.

This place is a den of lustful monsters and I feel pity for these girls who look like Yui and Moa. They are just like me, victims of this monstrosity. Still, I want to protect them. I want to save them which I failed to do to the real Yui and Moa. Yes! I have decided that I need to save these girls even though they aren't actually the friends I thought them to be. I have this feeling that I am responsible as to why they are here. I don't know why but...


What's that? It sounds like some kind of footsteps. I look at the fake Yui behind me. She is just there standing like how she used to be, but it seems strange. Her facial reaction, it seems like she is afraid of something. Did she see something? She's blind right? I looked at where her non-blinking and blank eyes were pinned but there's nothing. I look back at her and to my surprise...


A pale ghost with burnt mouth is clinging behind her. That's Yui herself! Yui's vengeful ghost! She's choking the impostor with a wire, the same wire I used to kill her. No! SU-METAL killed her. I could see the struggle of the girl. I run towards them but something is holding me back. Wait, why am I tied up? Why am I sitting now on a rotating chair?

Now this is no joke, I think I know what's coming next. And I am right. Someone rotated my chair and I saw another girl with a resentful face. She is bleeding so badly. It seems like she is bathing in blood. But the most noticeable about her is the pair of chopsticks stuck on her cheeks.

"No Moa, No! Why are you doing this to me? It's not me who killed you."

But she won't listen to me. She pulled out the metallic sticks at her cheeks. I could see the sticky blood oozing from her wounds where she pulled them. She holds the utensil just like holding ice picks. Then she glares at me.

"Don't tell me you are planning to kill me. Moa please! I am not the one responsible for your death. It's SU-METAL, that monster! She is a demon. She just used me for her blood lust. I was just demon possessed. I don't really mean what happened. I'm begging! Please! No! Huhuhuhuhuhu!" I keep on pleading and weeping hoping that she would listen to me. But no!

Moa stabs my face repeatedly like crushing a block of ice.

Tied Up: A BABYMETAL Gothic Horror FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now