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This is officially my newest favourite chapter EVER!!!!

Seriously though, as promised, to make up for all the updates I missed, I've given one of the best chapters I have ever conceived. I am sooo proud of it. Hope you like it!

Erza POV

"Infiltration mission huh? Nice choice." I patted Kotori's back as Lucy put the others back on the request board.

"Can I see that properly?" Mira asked nicely.

Lucy handed it to her and she smiled, taking it. "This one then? You chose the one that's been failed multiple times. A recent outbreak in theft, murders and kidnappings have occurred throughout Fiore. Many different groups from different guilds have tried and they all failed or just didn't come back."

"Can I see it?" I asked as she handed it to me. "Hmm. It says they aren't sure but most crimes trace back to a guild on the outskirts of Fiore, Life's Demise."

"That's a strange name for a guild." Kotori said innocently and I felt a twinge of guilt for exposing her to this harsh environment, although, this environment is definitely better than the one we had before.

"That's what you should expect from a dark guild." Mavis said.

"They're probably some of the most terrible people out there but they aren't unbeatable and if there's one thing I know about fairy tail," Lucy began and I felt a smile creep onto my face. She always brought us smiles. It would be a true shame if anything ever happened to her.

"IT'S THAT NOTHING CAN STAND IN OUR WAY!" Everyone chorused, proudly showing our emblems. Our hands raised up in our most symbolic way. One finger points towards us, the other to the sky.

"What's this?" Kotori asked.

"Kotori-chan! This is Fairy Tail. The most joyous, fun and adventurous place you'll ever meet!" Wendy cheered taking both of her hands in her own.

"Don't forget troublesome, noisy and destructive." Carla added sipping a cup of tea on a table.

"Carla..." We all sweatdropped.

"Hey, Carla. Do you want some fish?" Happy asked hopefully.

"No, Tom-Happy. Happy." She said.

Happy turned around to cry his eyes out as Carla tried to look as in different as possible.

"Does he seriously still not get it?" Pantherlily asked folding his arms over his chest.

"Shut up! At least I'm better looking!" Happy shouted at him.

"Even if that were true, what does that have to do with anything?!" Pantherlily asked confused.

"Haha Salamander! My cat's better than yours!" Gajeel laughed.

"Quiet tin can! Happy can beat your cat any day!" Natsu shouted angrily.

"Your both complete fools. Their exceeds not cats. Show them a little respect." Gray said, surprisingly taking the exceeds side although I guess it was half expected since he'll be against them both.

"Oh Yeah!!!"






And before I could finish my cake it was squished by a flying Lisanna. Usually I'd be angry and kick the crap out of everyone of them but not today. I think I'll make an exception. I'm in too good a mood plus, there's a cake shop on the way there.

"Let's get going." I said.

"First, Master suggesting fights then Erza ignoring them. What next? Jellal dating Kagura." Mira giggled as I cringed at the thought of those two...together...

"Let's just..go." I said walking/dodging flying tables as I made my way through the guild's everyday ruckus.

"Coming." Lucy said as she followed me, along with Mavis ( who floated above everyone's heads ) and Kotori ( who activated her fire field - which is basically a force field made from fire - to deflect flying objects...and people). We each waved goodbye to Mira, Makarov, Wendy, Laxus and Levy who were the only people not caught up in the fight or unconscious...or on the brink of death...

Kotori POV

As we walked to the train station I found myself felling a sense of nostalgia. The five of us walking reminded me of when Erza and I were still apart of the red sins. The sisters of red, the red-eyed reaper, the bloody assassin and the scarlet piercer. I missed the red-eyed reaper most. He and I...

I sat, window side, facing Erza on the train, Mavis beside me and Lucy in front of her. Lucy was writing something in a brown notebook with a face that read, 'can't touch this' but at the same time 'I wish my life was as great as this story.' Erza-nee sat crossed legged on her seat, a sword across her lap and a rag in hand polishing it. Mavis sat with her legs hanging over the chair, swinging playfully and a giddy smile plastered on her face. I sat there bored out of my mind.

I found myself staring at Erza. She was more mature than me, in every way. She held a serious yet warm look and that was the decider. She'd always held a more serious, stern and violent gaze. Her brown eyes were once a dark demeaning glare but had softened to nothing more than a motherly look. They had a soft glow which brightened her eyes. Her posture once rigid and straight, always battle ready, always alert, now showed a more relaxed and comfortable stance and a small yet beautiful smile adorned her face. Her hair was longer than mine and a more well defined red and gentle scarlet which sat in a high ponytail, flowing onto her shoulders gently. It was elegant now, not like before when all everyone ever thought of it was dangerous. Blood red. After an encounter with Erza, or even I, the last thing you'd see was red or as many whispered before taking their last breaths, 'scarlet silk'.

My eyes wandered off into the sea of green. The flowers danced in the wind and the birds flew freely over the ever darkening horizon. How long I stared, I wasn't sure. I was so entranced with the sight that I just couldn't focus on anything else around me. I remember thinking, before we got off the train, about how the world has grown more vivid in colour. No longer void of happiness and laughter. I wonder when it was the world became so pretty. When the world became... When life became... so.....wonderful.

Erza POV

Kotori. Every time I went back to seemed more and more.....dangerous. Like if all the war and blood, massacres and assassinations, all the crimes we committed took a much bigger toll on you than I. Unlike me you were unable to see the good in life. You only knew to follow mother's orders, to make red sins the best. You wouldn't even look at the other kids and before I knew it, you stopped liking Reaper. The affect that life took on took away your life itself. That was survival. Not living. Survival.

Although, now, your was dull, void eyes are learning to fill with love once again. They're...brightening. Gaining, filling, growing in colour. You're finally getting the chance at a normal life. I promise you, in the short time we have left together, I will show you happiness. True happiness.

I will show you life.

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