Red Eyes

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Lucy POV

"There it is." Erza smiled, pointing to a shaded, castle-esque building in a clearing of the dense forest. She'd led us up into a tower which was on the edge of the city, almost like a barrier that separated civilisation from the beasts that lined it's borders.

"I can't believe that even after all the times I've been to Fiore,  I've never seen this tower." I giggled.

"That's because every time you chose a job in Fiore it would also be ones that would give you a reason to visit Hisui." Erza laughed. I pouted at her words which only caused her to laugh even harder.

"Anyway Erza-nee? Are we going or what?"

Erza sighed before turning to her sister who looked incredibly impatient as she tapped her foot against the cobble stone of the tower floor. "Always so reckless. Never one for reconnaissance."

"Oh~ I see. We'll scout the area first, get a feel for our surroundings and see what we're up against!" Mavis cheered brightly.

Erza turned to her, her eyes twinkling. "Someone who gets it!"

I sighed myself. Looking back to the building I scanned the area, trying to see as much as I could. My eyes caught on a red cloak blowing in the wind. Red eyes, even so far away, burning through me as the figure stared at me. I squealed, never taking my eyes off him until I felt someone covering my eyes. I screamed again, trying to struggle free.

"Calm down, Lucy. It's just me." I stopped, hearing Erza's voice as I felt her turn me towards her. She removed her hand and I saw all three of them with worried faces. "How long did you stare into his eyes?"

Her expression was serious and worrisome and she continued to look me over. "W-what do you mean?" I asked, honestly confused.

"What's wronga, Erza?" Kotori asked, her eyes innocently scanning Erza's expression which had switched into uncertainty.

"Who was that?" Mavis questioned, puzzled. "I felt a very strong aura coming from whoever it was."

"He is my informant. A very dangerous one. If you stare into his eyes too long, no matter how intriguing they are, he'll have control over you body and in some extreme cases, your soul...permanently."

I stared at her, my own eyes widening. "Why would you trust someone like that as your informant?!" I asked, shocked beyond belief as to why Erza would put her faith in someone like that.

"Don't get me wrong." She smiled at me. "I don't trust him. He's definitely not the kind of person you want at your side."

"Then why?!"

"Would you lower your voice? He has amazing hearing." Erza looked around me, removing her hands from her shoulders and after a while turned back towards us, back to the ledge. "Mavis? Can you still sense his presence?"

" I don't think so."

"Then let's hope so." She turned to look at me once again. "To answer your question. He is someone who's well versed in the unpleasant, darkness of this world. He has information on all dark forces. The kind of person you'd want behind bars or at least know the whereabouts of - at all times, if at all possible. However, he also wants something in return as payment. Information only guilds and S-class wizards can obtain. I've never given away anything too secretive, normally only standard S-class knowledge."

" really just swap information but more sketchy than normal?" Kotori questioned, uninterested.

"Yeah." Erza turned to Kotori smirking. "We're like friends with benefits."

I watched Erza as she laughed in delight at the reddening faces of her friends, my own burning brightly.

"C-can we just get to the mission already?" Mavis stuttered, her own face completely red as she floated to the ground, all happiness gone and replaced with the thoughts that now clouded each of our minds.

"You guys are all so dirty minded." Erza laughed again. Enjoying our embarrassment. "But, yes. We'll have to camp out in the woods tonight so we can meet up in the rendezvous spot with my fwb. There, he'll hand us the necessary clothes, teach us speech patterns and mannerisms. Everything that will help us blend in. We'll be training for an entire day before we infiltrate. He'll be joining us as well."

"Um, Erza?" I reached out, stopping the group from leaving, one more question playing on my mind.

"What is it?"

"Are you going to tell us his name?"

"Name? No. It's safer if you don't know his name because then he won't want yours in exchange."

"You mean-" Kotori turned back to Erza.

"He doesn't know who you all are and in response you don't know him." However, as she said those words I couldn't help but notice the way in which Erza said them. The last ones seeming to be aimed directly at Kotori. From both stories and experience I knew that that almost always meant the complete opposite of what she said. If that were true though, it would mean Kotori along with Erza know that red eyed boy.

Something clicked within me.

I remember Mira mentioning finding something about 'Red Sins' in Erza's diary when she was snooping about for ship material. The sisters of red...and the red-eyed reaper... Could it be?

I followed the others, my mind elsewhere, as we decended down the tower stairs.

I looked out one of the main windows of the tower only to see those red eyes yet again. Staring right back at me. This time, however, he was much closer, and I could see the small smile on his face. I knew I should've looked away, but, his eyes...they were just so captivating.


I stopped short on the stairs, wondering if the voice in my head was his.

"Lucy? You alright?" Mavis questioned, floating back up slightly.

"Huh? Sorry. Just all this story telling, it's kinda messing me up." I laughed akwardly, rubbing the back of my neck. I didn't miss the worried glances they all sent my way, especially Erza's. I removed my hand, smiling at them genuinely in reassurance. I couldn't afford for them to worry about me. They smiled back before carrying on, everyone at ease once again.

"You're amazing."

"...what do you want?"

"The true means of your being here..."

"A job request."

"...Seems they don't even trust their supposed family when it comes to trade secrets."

"What are you talking about?"

"Can't you tell? No, of course you wouldn't. You're Layla's child. Mother warned us to stay away from 'Heartfilia's yet two of her children have decided to break the rules."

After that, I tried to yell out, warn them, but my mouth wouldn't obey. I tried to stop moving. Hold onto the banister. Shout. Cry. Hit something. Summon a spirit. Anything! But nothing I did would work.

I wanted to cry but I wasn't permitted to do so. I no longer had control of my body and I could feel my conscience fading but I knew I couldn't give up. I wasn't going to lose my soul. Permanently.

"So you're a fighter?"

"I'm a Fairy Tail wizard!"

"Interesting... Say, would you like to be my puppet?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2020 ⏰

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