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"Oh my god, you'll never guess what!" My best friend chirped over the phone as I lay on my bouncy, warm bed. 

"What? Spit it out, the silence is killing me." I laughed, imagining her curly brown hair bouncing with every movement as she talked animatedly.

"According to Harley, who heard from Yvonne, that nerd who spends recess and lunch in the library, there's going to be a new guy at school tomorrow!" She said, hushed excitement evident in her voice. I could imagine her wide grin as she spoke. "Apparently, he's from England!" 

"Ooh, a British boy, eh?" I smiled, amused by her attitude. "Let me guess, you call dibs?" 

"Obviously!" Paige practically screamed. "I swear I'm in love with the British accent at the moment." 

"I know, I know." I rolled my eyes. "Well, I'm going for a run, you wanna come with?" 

"Dude, I'll be there in like, ten minutes. My wolf's practically screaming at me to be let out." 

I let out a chuckle. "Okay, see you in ten." I said before hanging up and rolling off the bed. I quickly wandered over to my floor length mirror, which sat on the back of my door. I fluffed up my elbow-length, dirty blonde hair and added another layer of mascara to my thick eyelashes, making my grey eyes seem bigger than they naturally are. Once satisfied, I pulled open the door into the hallway and walked down the spiral staircase and into the lounge room, where my stepmother was dusting the television.

"Where are you off to, Chloe?" She said without looking up from her cleaning.

"Out." I replied vaguely, not fully answering her question as I pulled on my black pumps that lay by the door . 

"Out where?" She snapped, red blotches appearing on her pale cheeks as she grew angry.

I smirked. "Around." Stifling a laugh, I watched as the red blotches on her cheeks grew bigger as her anger heightened to a new level. 

"Give me a proper answer, you brat." She growled, dropping her cleaning equipment and walking in a threatening way towards me, pointing a finger at me. My wolf inside of me twitched in agitation, she wanted to take over and fight. I closed my eyes and concentrated on calming my wolf. We'll be running in a few minutes, please, calm down. 

"Your not my mother, Stacy, you can't tell me what to do." I said cooly, my eyes narrowing into slits at the woman who was old enough to be my sister. She had dyed, white-blonde hair and big blue doe eyes and a figure that most girl's would die for. Did I mention she was practically made of plastic? Her nose was redone, she had Botox every week, and huge fake breasts. Her personality was equally as fake, she was as sweet as an angel to me in front of my father, but when it was just me, she'd act like a huge cow. I hated her with a passion.

"I may not be your mother, but I'm as good as, so you listen here and you listen good." She whispered angrily, her breath making me want to gag. "I can make your life a misery, so be a good little girl and do as I say. Now go change, you look like a slut." My wolf twitched inside of me again. 

I looked down at my outfit. A black sports bra, baggy track pants and black pumps. Easy to shift in. Compared to her outfit, mine looked modest. She wore a pink tube top which was about five sizes too small and a white pencil skirt that barely came past her ass. I rolled my eyes at her. "The only slut here is you, Stacy, now, if you don't mind, I'm going out." 

"I'm telling your father!" She roared after me in a last ditch attempt to piss me off. I let out a heavy sigh before slamming the door shut behind me and walking down the driveway. The warm Los Angeles breeze ruffled through my hair and the palm trees swayed. 

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