Chapter 18: Love: Well, Sort Of

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Zane’s head snapped up. He frowned.

Hanna, who was seated below him, leaning against the stone table, looked at him. Her eyes filled with concern, and her brow furled. “What is it?”

He shrugged, trying to dismiss the annoyance rising within him. “We must move quicker.”

“Why?” She cocked her head to one side, her frown deepening.

He let out a hissing sigh. “My confidantes, spies, whatever you prefer, just betrayed me.” His muscles were tense, and his hands clenched. His voice chilled her.

Hanna gazed at him, sadness in her eyes. She had all but forgotten her former life, and now Zane was her life. And this new development put him in danger. That didn’t make her happy. “Do they know much that’s important?”

He cocked his head, thinking.

Finally, he answered. “They were not as knowledgeable of me as I would think one of the Chosen would be.”

“So, they can’t give away anything harmful to you?”

He shrugged. “They know who… what… I am. Maybe how to eliminate me. But they died before they could divulge anything much.”

Hanna sighed. “Good.”

“Maybe. But now that the others know what I am, you can bet their leader will look into all the hidden files that only he can open. Ones he never bothered reading. And he’ll find whatever was placed there. Maybe even how to kill me, which is something they currently don’t know since my spies didn’t get a chance to tell them.” He sighed, staring down at her with a wishful expression.

Hanna slumped back against the stone table. “So they might find a way to… kill you?” She looked up at him, eyes wide.

He smirked at her. Then he stood, drawing her to her feet, and holding her hands. “Worried about me, are you?”

She smiled her usual dazzling smile. “Of course, Zane.”

That statement made his heart beat more rapidly. With her, just as with her ancestor, his first wife, his heart warmed. He needed her, but perhaps she didn’t know that like she should. He smiled back at her, no longer sarcastic. “Thanks. So… You still haven’t said yes.”

“To?” She stopped smiling and looked at him seriously.

“Being my Queen.” He pulled her into a warm embrace, staring down into her beautiful silver eyes, which he loved so much.

She hesitated. “Zane…”

“Why not?” He prompted.

She shook her head. “I don’t know… Just… Wait until you have secured yourself and your kingdom. I can’t actually be Queen if you aren’t King.”

His eyes lit with a funny glint. Hanna should’ve known it meant trouble, but he was clouding her mind, and she didn’t notice it. “Let me ask another way. Will you consent to be my wife?” Zane smiled at her, still holding her hands in his.

Her eyes widened. “You want… me… to… to marry you?” She whispered.

He nodded.

She started to speak, but she couldn’t. Zane looked into her eyes and he didn’t like what he saw there. She was uncertain. She shouldn’t have been uncertain. He didn’t want her to be uncertain about him. He wanted her to love him without limitations.

He leaned close to her, kissing her on the mouth gently. Straightening, he released her. “Take time to think about your answer carefully, Hanna.” He whispered.

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