Chapter 30: A Proposal

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Hanna gazed around the Gomez rooms. Alonzo’s parents had done a nice job of decorating. Even if there wasn’t much to use to decorate, they had done well.

There was a pristine white tablecloth on the table and the chef had helped out by providing the meal. Mrs. Gomez had pulled out the china she had brought with her from Earth and laid it out along with her precious candles. Mr. Gomez had thoughtfully gathered a bunch of flowers that he knew were Hanna’s favorites and placed them in a large cup, which he had found in the kitchens.

Hanna turned to Alonzo. “It’s beautiful.” She looked over at his parents. “You did a beautiful job with it, Mr. and Mrs. Gomez.”

Mrs. Gomez smiled. “Thank you, dear.”

Hanna’s parents walked in then.

“Hey, Bess!” Hanna’s mom gave Mrs. Gomez a hug.

“Chenn, how are you?” Mr. Gomez asked.

Chenn smiled, shaking Mr. Gomez’s hand as he answered. “Doing well. You, David?”

“Oh, we’re doing great. Even better tonight, in fact.”

Chenn smiled at his friend. “I dare say. My wife and I are quite pleased as well.”

Hanna looked back and forth between them. “What’s going on? We’re just here for dinner, right?”

Her parents smiled at her, but didn’t say anything.

Hanna just stewed.

Ali chose that moment to walk into the room. “Hey, Mr. and Mrs. Gomez. Alonzo. Mom and Dad.” He looked at Hanna, giving her a slight, secretive smile. “Hey, sis.”

Mr. and Mrs. Gomez smiled.

“Hello, Ali.” Mrs. Gomez answered, giving him a warm hug.

“Great night tonight, eh, son?” Mr. Gomez whispered conspiratorially.

“Yes, sir!” Ali shook hands with Mr. Gomez.

Alonzo looked at him. “Have you got it?”

“Got what?” Ali gave his friend an innocent look.

“Come on, Ali. Don’t play games.”

Hanna looked back and forth between the two. “Okay, something is so going on. What are you two up to? Got what?”

A note of worry crept into Alonzo’s voice. “Ali, tell me you didn’t forget.”

He wouldn’t forget something like that on my big night, would he? Alonzo wondered.

Ali smiled at him, clapping him on the back. “Nah. It’s a special night for you. I wouldn’t forget something like that.”

Alonzo sighed in relief, tension bleeding out of him.

Hanna gave her brother an annoyed look. “Hello, are the two of you even listening to me?”

Ali turned to her. “Why, Hanna… I didn’t notice you there.” He teased.

“Hanna, why don’t you sit down?” Mrs. Gomez led Hanna to the table so that Ali could slip a little box into Alonzo’s hand.

“Well, we’re ready to eat anytime now.” Mr. Gomez smiled at the boys and Ali’s parents.

They smiled back and followed him to the table.

When they were seated, Mr. Gomez said the blessing for the food and they dug in.

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