It's Okay; {G}

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Grayson ran into the E.R with you in his arms bridal stlye as he cried and yelled.

"Sh-She's pregnant and b-bleeding, help her. Help my baby." He cried as they laid you on the bed, tears fell down your cheeks and you went weak, slowly your hand slipped out of Grayson's as they wheeled you away.
You groaned and opened your eyes seeing Grayson beside you biting his nails.

"Stop that." You said, Grayson quickly turned around and you immediately knew something was wrong. He was still crying, you didn't know how long you was out for but something was definitely wrong.

"I'm sorry." He whispered sitting at the end of your bed. You frowned and stupidly sat up, you let a cry in pain and lifted your gown not caring for who saw your privates. You searched around your stomach and found stitches right under your stomach.

"Grayson." You whispered, Grayson let out a loud sob and you straightened out your gown.

The doctor came in and looked at Grayson and then you.

"Hello (Y/n) I'm Dr.March Have you told her?" The doctor said, Grayson got up and shook his head before leaving the room.

"Told me what?"

"Miss um, I-I have some bad news." The doctor sat at the end of the bed and grabbed your hand. "It's about the baby."

"I'm sorry Miss but when you were iut we did an ultrasound and attempted to find a heartbeat, but we failed. I'm sorry but you-you lost your baby." He gulped, he put his head down as you stared at him blankly.

"No, not my baby. It was healthy. I'm-I'm sure of it." Tears began falling down your cheeks as you ripped your hand from the doctors grip and placed the both of your hands on your bump.

"I'm sorry. But t-the bump will go down in the next ten to eleven days, I'm sorry for your loss." The doctor got up and left and Grayson came back in. You laid your head back and covered your face with your hands and loud cries left your lips.


"Don't call me that." You sobbed, you shook your head and looked at your bump. You let out a blood curdling scream as Grayson took you into his arms.

"I'm sorry." Grayson's and your cries filled the room as you grieved over the loss of your first baby.
I cried writing this, I write to much emotional stuff woah..😩

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