Complain; {G}

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You sat on Grayson's bed, waiting on him to get out of the shower. He didn't know you were there, he knew you were due to turn up any minute but didn't expect you there.

You got up in impatience and walked to the bathroom, just as you were about to knock on the door you heard him speaking.

"Yeah, but dude you just don't get it. She's constantly around, clingy more like. I only have to leave my phone for two minutes and she comes charging into my room, huffing and puffing thinking I'm cheating or some shit. It's getting beyond a joke." Grayson muttered in annoyance, your heart completely shattered and fell out of your ass.

"I love her, i do. But she's making me think twice about my actions, but yeah. Anyways, she should be here or if not on her way. Talk to you later Jack, mhm. Yeah, see ya." You heard a flurry of activity go on behind the door before it opened, Grayson stopped dead in his tracks with wide eyes.

He parted his lips to say something but you cut him off. "Save it." You shook your head, turned on your heel and left.
It'd been a few days since the encounter with Grayson, he was constantly messaging you and doing other things in order to be in contact with you.

But you ignored it, it must've pissed him off since he turned up at your door.

"We need to talk about the other day," he walked in, straight past you and to the living room. You closed the door with a huff and strode to it slowly.

He sat you down and then sat himself down. "Look, i was having a bad morning."

"Mhm," you hummed, clearly not amused.

"Babe please," he picked your face up and you rolled your eyes, jerking your face away and leaning on the back of the couch. Seriously not in the mood for his apologies.

"I love you, yeah. I would do anything for you and you know that-"

"But that still doesn't give you the right to call me clingy when clearly i have trust issues. You know how my last relationship went and it wasn't fucking amazeballs like everyone elses perfect ones." You muttered, rolling your eyes again as he let out a grunt in annoyance.

"Just listen to me, look, i was having a bad morning and decided on taking out my anger on you as an excuse. I love that your clingy, it's cute. I love that you come over to my house at ridiculous times in the morning in wonder to why i never texted back, i know you know I'm not cheating. You just have a fear of being alone." He stood. You watched him rant and sighed, knowing he was right.

"You just come over because you want to be wrapped in my arms, and because you're scared I might've died within the matter of 2.5 seconds," he laughed, you shook your head with a laugh and he pulled you into a hug.

"I'm sorry you had to hear it, i really do love you y/n."

"And i love you to, Grayson."

"Although you can be a clingy bitch sometimes," he laughed as you groaned into his chest.

"I really do hate you Grayson."

"You love me,"

"I hate to say it, but your right." You said, cuddling more into him which ended up with you both falling asleep and waking up the next morning with you on the couch and Grayson on the floor.
A/n;; the ending was rushed so it's poop.


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