Chapter 28 - Her

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The inquisitor returned to the base the next day, alone, with no one to help her. Everyone was dead, all because of her. She had to confront the Chief of Police herself, alone. She then saw him, standing in a doorway, his hands clasped behind his back, his sword still strapped to himself. She slowly walked up towards him, wanting to finish the little battle once and for all. And then, it hit her. She was mere metres away from him when her face suddenly turned to shock, her remaining eye bulging like a balloon. The Chief of Police tilted his head to the side, a wonder in his eyes. The inquisitor's legs quivered and she suddenly fell to her hands and knees, breaking down. "No more." She breathed, her voice shuddering. "No more."

The Chief of Police stood there, wondering about the marvel and then he walked up to her, hauled her up and put an arm around her, consoled her. "There, there." He said. "You have been through a lot, don't worry, I'm here."

All of a sudden, the inquisitor stood up, drawing her gun out and jammed it beneath his chin. She looked at him, tilting her head to the side, suddenly all calm again, turning to her normal self once more. The Chief of Police looked at her and the smiled, began to chuckle. He suddenly began to laugh, being thoroughly amused by something. "What? What is it?"

"You do realise–." He chuckled again. "—that I am not the one you want."

"What do you mean by that?"

"There is still someone else. I am just a mere right-hand man."

"And who is your master, may I ask?"

"Like hell I am telling you." He suddenly took hold of the gun and pulled the trigger. The shot rang out and he fell onto the floor, bleeding out from the bullet wound, creating a large blood stain on his shirt. The inquisitor yelped at the suddenness and then clutched at her face, dragged her hand downwards in frustration and then cursed. Replacing the gun into her suit, she turned and walked off from the blood-drenched scene and made her way towards her final kill.

She returned to the police station, having to kick the door in, it being locked. She walked through it, seeing that it was deserted, every single detective and policeman being hidden in their base. Suddenly, she spotted a figure sitting at a table. She wore a grey three-piece pinstripe suit and a fedora of the same shade, a matching tie hung around her neck. She had shoulder-length black hair which was messy and all over the place, making each strand look like a black, writhing snake. There was a large and ugly scar going across one of her eyes. She had a katana strapped to herself, kept in a black, metal sheath. The inquisitor glanced at it and saw that it was unbelievably straight, the sheath itself not seeming curved. That was odd. "So it is you." The inquisitor said to her, sitting in the chair opposite her. "You are the one to blame for all of this."

The woman chuckled lightly. "Indeed I am. But you are the one to blame for all of the deaths."

"Who are you anyway?"

"Mercy Beck." Mercy replied. The inquisitor scoffed, almost rolling her eyes.

"Oh, please. Mercy? That's your name?"

"Indeed it is."

"How ironic." The inquisitor said under her breath.

"Says the inquisitor who was inquisitioned."

"You know about that?"

Mercy laughed, seeming amused. "Of course I know about that. I know about everything that has happened. Me and you are the only people left. And don't you think that the eyepatch gives it away a bit?"

"So tell me about that sword of yours."

"Oh, I'm so glad you noticed." She pulled the entire sword out of the strap in which it was held in and then unsheathed it. "Hand crafted by the Japanese entirely out of tamahagane steel, which in literal terms means jade steel. Cost me a bloody fortune to get a hold of. They call it the imperial katana. You should just give up now, your little Templar blade will do nothing against this."

"True." The inquisitor stood up from her seat and turned, walking out of the office.

The inquisitor returned to the sword shop and entered it. The shop owner walked out the back room, whistling and then stopped, looked at her.

"Hello again." He greeted her. "Do you need something?"

"Do you sell imperial katanas?"

His eyes widened a little. "Imperial katanas?"


"I'm not sure you will be able to—."

The inquisitor reached into her suit and drew out a wallet, opened it up and placed down a large sum of cash onto the counter. "Will that be enough?"

The shop owner nodded. "Indeed. Follow me." He placed the money into the till and walked into the back room, the inquisitor following after him. He brought her to a large, metal door and punched in a code and scanned his thumbprint. He pulled down the handle and opened the door up, revealing a stairway, leading down. He descended down it and the inquisitor followed after him. They entered a room which had tens of shelves with hundreds of different types of rare swords stored on them. He walked over to one shelf and took an imperial katana which was kept in a black, metal sheath. He handed it to the inquisitor and she took it, unsheathed it and examined the blade. She took her Templar sword and handed it to him and he took it.

"Keep the change." She took her new sword and strapped it to herself, walked out of the shop to confront Mercy.

The inquisitor returned to the police station and then saw Mercy, being in the exact same position as she was last time. Mercy looked up at her as the inquisitor sat down opposite her once more.

"So, back again are we?" She asked and then looked at what the inquisitor had. She chuckled. "Trying to kill me with my own weapon. How ironic." The inquisitor suddenly drew her sword out and stabbed it at her enemy. Mercy leaned back onto her chair, causing it to tip and then placed the bottom of her sheath onto the floor, stopping herself from tipping over the whole way. She drew her sword out and swiped it at the inquisitor who clashed her blade with Mercy's. They fought each other, both swiping their blades at themselves, while sitting at the table. All of a sudden, Mercy stabbed at the inquisitor, deliberately missing and then spun her blade in a circle, forcing the inquisitor to place her palm down onto the table. In a flash, she brought down her blade onto the inquisitor's hand, pinning it to the table. The inquisitor screamed as the blade pierced through her flesh and blood splattered onto the table. Mercy looked at her, crossing her arms, letting the blade stand on its own.

"Don't even bother, you will never be able to kill me."

The inquisitor chuckled. "You do realise that it is just me and you left? Everyone else is dead. So I have got all day." She grabbed hold off the blade and drew it out of her hand, crying out in pain and seething. She stabbed it at Mercy who quickly moved herself out of the way, causing it to pierce through the chair. She grabbed hold of her sword by the blade and wrenched it from the inquisitor's grip, retrieving her weapon. She then looked closely into her, taking her blade and stabbing it into the floor, letting it stand on its own.

"You do understand...that you will never win? You are just merely a slimy piece of shit that I can just scrape off of my shoe?"

"But you still have yet to kill me. I will not give up so long as I am breathing."

"Well, then I will have to try a bit harder then, shouldn't I?"

"You will never get away with this. I have got all day."

"Oh, I will just have to find something to make you snap. No one can go through so much trauma without breaking down in a fit."

"Good luck with that." The inquisitor stood up from the chair and sheathed her sword, walked out of the police station, leaving Mercy on her own.

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