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Chris and I stepped into the clinic, the smell of rubbing alcohol and hand sanitizer practically blowing in my face. I coughed a little, gripping Chris' hand. The entire puking fit earlier tired me out, and I was still a bit queasy.

"Go take a seat, love. I'll sign you in, and I'll go to the room with you. I'll by your side." Chris whispered, walking me to a chair that was along one of the bland white walls.

I nodded and sat down. Chris kissed my cheek gently, then walked over to the front desk.

I looked around. The lobby was ugly. From the looks of it, it seemed to have a childrens' side, and then an adult side. The childrens' side was baby blue, and had white puffy clouds painted on the walls. There were colorful smaller chairs, and a few larger chairs, probably for adults.

The adult side was simple. White walls, white tile that covered the entire floor, and black chairs. Awfully depressing, in my opinion.

Over on the kids' side of the lobby, a little boy sat on the ground, playing with an action figure. He didn't look younger than four, but no older than seven. I smiled softly. I love kids.

The little boy looked over to me with his pretty green eyes, giving a bright smile. I smiled back and waved, watching the small boy as he talked to what I presumed was his father. The little boy tugged on the man's sleeve, whispered, then pointed to me.

The man chuckled and gave me a wave just as Chris came back. "That little smile on your face is adorable." Chris told me, kissing my cheek.

"That little boy is adorable." I gushed quietly. "D'awh, Chriiis, look!"

The little boy was hugging the man around his neck, giggling happily. "Awh... He is cute, Baby."

I rested my head against his shoulder. "Mhm... One day I wanna have something like that."

"Like what, Ricky?" Chris asked, wrapping an arm around my shoulder.

"I want to have a kid that loves me one day." I sighed softly, the smile on my face not making a move. "Maybe even adopt with you.. I'd be helping you with diapers, baths.. Abigail could come over sometimes... You and I would be nice parents..." I chuckled.

"Maybe you, Baby. Not sure if I would be."

"Yeah you would." I smiled. "You'd make an amazing father. I know that for a fact."

Chris chuckled and nuzzled the crook of my neck. "I'm glad to see you've cheered up a little... Babe?"


"Do you, um.. Do you think about having a family a lot? I know it's extremely early, but I'm just curious."

I nodded. "I do pretty often. Y'know, just little 'what ifs'. Like... Hmm. Imagine you come home from work."


"And when you open the front door, it's not just me there. It's our child and I. The two people who will love you more than anything on this entire earth." I chuckled, shaking my head. "I'm being a weirdo."

"No, no, it's not weird at all. I think it's cute when you fantasize about things like that." Chris said softly. "I think about it sometimes, too."

"Richard Olson?" A female voice asked. I matched the voice with a petite woman standing in a doorway, wearing a light pink set of scrubs. She noticed us looking and smiled. "Doctor Sitkowski, third room on the left."

Damn, nearly forgot Ryan's dad was a doctor. Hopefully he'll go easy on me with the poking and prodding. The only man allowed to do that to me is my Chris.

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