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At home
So I arrived home thinking of what had happened at school which was awkward the way Mr Perez looked at me its like he dilibretly came over and helped my black ass books off the floor, I was shocked by his actions towards helping me, from a close up he was dead sexy, right there and then I just wanted to grab him by the collar and kiss him now my thoughts were interrupted by mom.
"So baby how was school, meet any sexy guys"
"Mom really now"
"Don't lie you met someone didn't you,is he sexy gorgeous cute, football player or maybe a teacher that is dangerously sexy child I reme.....
"Mom whoa chill chill OK damn n yah I met someone"
"Oooooo tell me is he sexy"
"Promise you won't tell dad, but he is sexy he even assisted me with my books when they fell and for some reason he couldn't stop staring at me"
"My goodness he got you well boy well becareful doll sometimes the sexy take advantage or are dangerous"
"Yah whatever I'm going upstairs to shower"
"Ok be down in time for dinner"

At school

Ever since yesterday's small incident I could not stop thinking about him and what he did which was inappropriate but luckily the hallway was quite empty you could even hear a pin drop. While I was walking through the hallway my eyes caught Mr Perez talking to Mr carol as I stare, the corner of his eye looked my way weird, then they finished talking so instead I made a uturn to the next class math, there was a student teacher there by the name Mr august he was another sexy student teacher, fuck why are they so sexy though damn is this some kind of 'sexual' disease ugh wateves, so math class done now time for English and chatting to my old friend yay. I went to my locker looking for my books and I was hella late I eventually found them and ran to class get there late damn
Whole class"oooooo"
"Mr....... Daniels you're late"
"Sorry sir won't happen again"
"Very well then turn to your text books page 125"
I was so late it was not even funny.
I got to my chair and dabbed April and was caught by Mr perez damn again.
"Mr Daniels please sit down"
Damn he always reprimanding my ass all the time like really most kids are talking amongst themselves.
"He is always picking on you" said April.
"Yah and its becoming annoying"
"Well I think he wants something"
"You think"
"Yep I know he might be sexy but you never know if his dangerous"
"Thanks for the yellow light"
"Shut up peanut"
"Right back at you big head"
*we both laugh*
Class was over yay but Mr Perez called me to stay behind *sigh* so I went over to his desk while April wait for me at the door.
"Um morning sir how are you, you know its such a lovely day the sun is out and........"
"1 we greeted each other already 2 yes its a lovely day for you 3 its raining and clearly I don't see the sun.
"Well it was figurative talking"
"Uh ya"
"OK well the reason I called you was...."
"Because of what happened yesterday thank you again sir"
"Pleasure but no I called you because I see you always making convos with your friend tomorrow I want you in the front" he said walking towards me as I look up to him.
"Yes sir"
"Well good day mr Daniels *winks*"
What, did he just wink at me was that necessary wow this teacher is weirdly sexy and I think he has a crush on me even more sexier. Luckily I'll sit in front and make him horny, flirt with me and maybe play a sneaky game where I turn him on.
"What are you smiling about"
"You ain't gotta know non bae"
"Oh so you won't tell me me me OK we'll see"
"Well from tomorrow I'll be in the front sad😥"
"My my my you're not sad you're actually planning sum aren't you, you sneaky little rascal" smh
"Is that a problem little fun in class wouldn't hurt anyone especially a teacher"
"Well you better hope Mr carol won't be able to see you do your 'thing'".
"Don't worry if Mr Perez wants to play sexy then I'll play like a boss"
"OK do what you do"

my teacher is dangerously sexy princexdavidWhere stories live. Discover now