Chapter 1

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I was alone. I was scared and i had no where to go. I was running. Running away from hell. I was broken and nothing could fix me. My Mum, my Dad, my pack.........everyone was gone; they were killed right before my eyes. I shoved the image away as tears brimmed from the edge of my eyes. How could have this happened? it was all just too sudden.

 I wasn't really sure to where i was headed; i just had to get away. They were after me. 

I pulled my head up getting a whiff of the sent around me. I smelt nothing. Nothing at all. Weird.They didn't look like they'd give up too easily. The new moon pack had a long grudge against ours, The Duskfall Light pack. I didn't really understand why until now. 

They held our pack responsible for the brutal death of the new moon packs Luna. That truly must have been a horrible experience  and i actually sympathized with them however our pack had nothing to do with the murder . It was rouges but the new moons were blinded by rage to even listen.

I was so deep in thought that i did not notice the presence of other wolfs around me. I immediately halted my wolf, getting into a defense stance. It couldn't be the new moons; they were too far off. I didn't trespass into another territory did i? Shoot! I didn't have time for this. I could be killed on sight. 

Suddenly four bulky men stood before me; I realized that it was impossible for me to take all of them. One stepped forward, power radiating off of him. I guessed him to be the alpha. "Shift!" he commanded. I stayed, frozen in place.

 As if he noticed, he let out an annoyed sigh and threw a white shirt at me. Gratefully, i captured it into my mouth whilst shielding myself behind a tree. The shirt reached just after my butt, leaving my long legs on full display. I inwardly cringed at the amount of skin exposed. Confidently, i confronted the four men. They looked up- almost surprised. The man i thought to be alpha spoke. 

"How dare you trespass on our territory Rouge!" he spat. I flinched. Oh yeah, i was a rouge now. I wasn't sure on how to defend myself as i've never been in this kind of situation so i decided on the truth.

" I'm from the Duskfall light pack that was recently murdered by the new moon pack. I'm currently escaping." I explained, holding in a tear from the memory.

" Really? I don't sense anyone following you" he said whilst raising an eyebrow, questioning my answer.

" They must have surrendered, probably from realizing that they have trespassed in someone else's territory- something i didn't." i replied confidently.

The man turned around, talking to his comrades- obviously about me. They discussed for some time, taking glances at me after every so seconds. I mean HELLO? I'M RIGHT HERE?

Finally the Alpha turned back, eyeing me up and down. My face automatically flushed pink whilst i tried to pull the hem of the shirt further down. " We have decided to take you to the Alpha King. You should be grateful- this is the first time we haven't killed a rouge on sight." he said, disgust filling his voice.


Sooo whad'yu think? My first ever chapter. Please vote and comment for feedback!

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