Author's Note

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This story will have multiple ships.
If you don't agree with them, you can either suffer and read through anyways, or leave. Either is fine with me, just don't argue against them. It wastes both your time and mine.
So, here is the list of ships.

Charisk (obviously), Soriel, Alphyne, Papyton

Some might not be as blatantly obvious as others, but just a little warning.

Also, if you didn't read the description, I will not be writing smut. I may be a perverted little ass, but that's just uncomfortable to write and read (most of the time *lenny*). Also, Frisk will be depicted as a boy and Chara as a girl. If you don't agree with me and are very adamant about your opinion, you can leave. Because this is what I personally make the two out to be, so yeah.

I'm still iffy on adding OC's in, so for the time being there will be just canon characters and random ass humans.

Also there will be cussing and gore, whoopsiedoodles.

Now continue on, and pray to god that I actually finish a Charisk story I begin.

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