Chapter 2

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Chapter Two~Friendly Neighborhood Demon

Flowey squeaked and flinched back, his eyes widening. Sans widened his eyes as well when he saw the soulless flower's reaction. The figure smiled.

"You remember me. That's perfect." The figure said. Her voice was eerie, smooth and silky in a fake innocence. It echoed slightly, giving it a demonic feel. "Listen, traitor. You know you aren't going to live long, so how about you just let me slice you into little flower bits and your 'friends' won't meet the same fate as you?"

"C- C- C..." Flowey couldn't get words out. Frisk ran over, and squeaked when the figure threw a knife at him, narrowly missing his head.

"This doesn't concern you!" The figure snapped. Frisk flinched and took a step back.

"kid... get alphys. she might know how to deal with an anomaly like thi-" Sans grunted as the figure hit Sans with the hilt of the knife. Frisk darted away before the figure could touch him. She growled under her breath.

"Stupid skeleton. I don't know why mo- Toriel chose you." The figure muttered. She hit Sans with the hilt again, this time hard enough not to deal damage, but to make Sans fall over. She walked over to Flowey and picked up the pot. Flowey was wide eyed and shaking. The figure held the knife to his stem. Frisk ran over and grabbed the pot and backed away. He managed to do so in a way that Flowey wasn't hurt.

"Y- You idiot..." Flowey said quietly.

"Oh? Objection?" The figure asked, turning around to face Frisk. She darted forward to slash at him but yelped slightly as blue bones rose up around her. The figure growled. "GET THESE BONES OUT OF HERE!" She demanded.

"hm, lemme think, no." Sans said without any hesitation. He stood up and walked over to Frisk and Flowey. "you alright kiddo?" Frisk gave a tiny nod. Sans' permanent smile widened a little at this and he turned to face the figure. "now howzabout you tell me who you are?"

"No." The figure crossed her arms with a huff.

"Her name is Chara." Flowey's voice was barely above a whisper. Sans and Frisk widened their eyes.

"And the traitor speaks again." Chara narrowed her eyes.

"the first fallen child?" Sans asked in disbelief.

"Yeah, the one who kicked the bucket. And the one who could've solved your little human problem AND barrier problem if little traitor here let me actually kill some." Chara glared at Flowey. Flowey said nothing in return, said nothing to argue. "Because of that we ended up like this, huh Asriel? Now you're a soulless flower... And I'm your friendly neighborhood demon." Chara spat, and she threw the knife at Sans. Sans narrowly dodged and the bones disappeared, and Chara left the scene.

Flowey was left staring at the ground, shaking slightly.

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