Chapter three...

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Sage's POV...

I was really weirded out. One moment IM just a girl at a party and the next thing I know some dumb ass is bombing up the place. I was kind of happy that 4 guys were protecting me. Dont call me weird! Then it hit me like a spear through the heart. Jake had said We need to protect her. Bosses orders.

Bosses orders?!

What the fuck is going on here?

I was so deep in thought that I didn't notice Jake in the car driving elsewhere. By the time I found out I had moved, it was when Jake shook me. "Woah. Wow. Okay. Im up. Im up" I say straightening up. Jake chuckled. "Your fa- uh... my boss wants to see you" He says getting out the car and opening my door. Once we were there, I saw the building. A big warehouse. Okay...

We went in and I was greeted by a few hundred people. No not people. Men. I was the only girl there. Oh yea this is a damn gang. Jake must've sensed my fear because he pulled me closer fo him. I actually felt safe in his arms.

When everyone silenced, I heard a voice that scared the shit outta me. "Mersage..." He said. I recognized the voice. I flipped around and saw his face. I felt like lookiNg in a mirror. A mirror tjat was missing for 14 years. "Dad?" I asked walking up to him. "Yes... its me" He said smiling. "" I couldnt say anything. He left since I was 4. I guess I had those feelings blocked out. Now I finally realized who those envelopes were from. Why my mum always hand mood changes after seeing the packages. From mad to Happy. Sad to happy. Happy to even more happy! I really missed my father. Yesh. I had to admit that. The "bitch" as I always called him really wasnt what I thought he looked like. He actually looked like those billionaires. No wonder my mum fell in love with him. I didnt say anything. I just ran up go him and hugged him tight. "Daddy" I cried out. When I finally stopped, I steped back. "Mersage..-" he started. "Sage. Call me Sage" I said. "Well then, Sage, I uh-am this gangs leader. The biggest leader up in the media" He said trying to force out a smile. He thought I was gonna scream. Bitch. Hell no. "Yeah. I kinda found that out considering that you have 3 muscular men at your tail" I snorted pointing at the 3 men behind him. Everyone in the warehouse started laughing. Including my dad. Even the 3 guys. "So... there is also some stuff I need to tell you. Uh- Jake and your gang, come into the office with me" He said and walked to this big door. Guessing its the office... and I was right. We closed the door and we all sat down. "So..." I started. My father breathed out at rambled this out "A small group is out to get you so we need to train you to fight, to use a gun and go self defend yourself" He stammered in one breath. Everyone looked at me as if I were theyre meet. They thought I was gonna blow up. I can sense the tension. All I did was smile "Awesome. So... does mum know?" I asked. To everyones surprise, i didnt blow up. Bitches.

"Uh- yea your mother knows" he sounded UN sure.

"So when do we start training?" I say holding up the jecket and gun and tossing it to Jake who chuckled. "It starts now and you need to keep these" He says gesturing to the gun and leather jacket. "Yes Sage. It will protect you so carry it around wherever you go. Along with these 4 butterfly Knives and this golden gun" My father says throwing me the gun and knives. Everyone screamed in horror. I quirked an eyebrow at them and easily caught the butterfly knives and the gun. "Man up dudes! Your gonna be training this load of bullshit" I say while putting the weapons. on me. With the jacket Jake gave me on, The black gun inside the jacket, the golden gun and one knife inside my pants. (lol sorry idk how to say it) Okay well not inside but it was covered by the Shirt. Then one knife in either one of my boots and the last one up the sleeve of the shirt. Everyone laughed. "Boys go set up training I need to talk go Sage" My father said. "Kay" They all said and filed out till it was only me and my father. "Here is more weapons Sage... just in case" He said and pushed a red button. Then a wall shifted and what I saw next made me laugh. The wall was filled from top to bottem with guns, knives and some spy stuff. My father handed me everything I needed while I stared. When he was done, I saw on the table 2 pens, 4 bobby pins, a vest, a belt, a bow, a pair of RayBan shades,a pink duffel bag 4 bottles of lip sticks(2 in the shape of a gun) 3 pairs of earings, 3 necklaces and finally 3 rings. I was baffled. Everything was so pretty. "Dad... dont tell me your gay" I say laughing. "What! Hell no. These are disguise" He said chuckling. "Okay. so tell me how to use em before I laugh" I say. "Okay. The pens are razors that can cut through anything, the pins are knives, the vest prevents any risk on getting shot and killed, the belt is a really flexible sword that is very very very sharp, the bow is a camera, the shades are video camera that allows you to see X-ray, see theyre profile all sorts of things, a bag, 2 lip stickes are knives and the other 2 are guns, the earings are bombs, the necklaces are daggers and the rings are lock applicators" He says finishing. "awesome!" I say. Then my dad handed me somehing unexpected. A sniper. Holy shit. "What the fuck?" I say laughing. "Put this behind your jacket for safety ok?" My dad says. "Fine" I say back. I started putting the weapons on me. The rings on my fingers, necklaces on my neck, lipstick in the duffel bag along with the bow,earings, I put on the vest, put on the shades and belt and of course the sniper in my back. I walked out duffel in hand to see everyone practicing boxing. "So time for training Sage!" Ryan said laughing. I tied my hair up and stood in front of him. "Na ah ah cupcake, you need to get rid of all the weapons. I dont want you to rely on them just yet only yours hands for now" Said Jake. I rolled my eyes and sighed. I out my stuff on the table and everyone watched me take off all the weapons planted on me. I took the necklace off, the rings, the knives, the belt, the shades, the pins, the 4 butterfly knives, the 2 guns, and the vest. "Okay lets start!" Jay said. "Wait I have one more" I said lifting up a finger. I pulled out the sniper and put it on the table. "Okay ready?" I asked. "Holy.." Ryan started. "Shit" Jake finished off. "so much..." Conner started. "Weapons" Jake finished off again. "What!" I asked innocently. "Are you getting ready for world war II babe?" Jake asked. "Dad gave me it for self defense" I said. "But a sniper? And spy gagets?" Ryan laughed. "Whatever dude! Lets get punching!" I laughed.

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