Chapter 8

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Emma pov...

We sent Henry home with Regina tonight so they spend more time together. Neal and I start walking back home.

I get a pain in my stomach and think it's just kicks so keep walking. A few minutes later I get another one and stop. I put my hand on my stomach and get another pain that is worse. I remember back to Henry and when I had something similar to this I was at the start of labour.
Neal asks "are you alright?"
I nod and say "are you ready to met your second child?"
He asks "what?"
I laugh and say "this baby wants to met you early, they are coming now"
He looks shocked and says "let's get to the hospital"
I nod and we walk there slowly as it's not too far away but the contractions seem to be much quicker and painful than I remember.

We walk into the hospital and a doctor takes us into a room. I lie down on the bed and he does an ultrasound to check the baby, it's in the correct position and seems fine . I am in labor but it's only early stages, he thinks it will be a few more hours.
I am given pain medication to ease the pain and the doctor leaves saying he will be back soon to check on my progress.
We won't know until the baby is born if being born early has any affect, this baby has magic so it might have formed earlier as we can't quite tell.

I grab my phone and send a text to Henry saying "we are in hospital, your sibling has decided they want to come early"
I get a text back a few minutes later from him which says "Mom and I are on our way"
After about 15 minutes they come in, Henry hugs me and asks "how are you feeling?"
I say "alright I guess, it's getting really close together but the pains not too bad"
He nods and the doctor walks back in. The doctor says "I'm here to check on your progress, I'll have to ask your visitors to leave the room for a few minutes"
Regina and Henry wait outside the room, the doctor checks me and says "you are just about ready to push, you seem to be going through this quickly"
An hour later the doctor says "come on Emma, one last big push"
I squeeze Neal's hand hard and give the one push until I hear my baby's cry. Neal cuts the cord and our baby is cleaned and wrapped in a pink blanket before being passed to me. The doctor says "congratulations on your baby girl, I'll get your visitors back in"

Regina and Henry come back in and comes over to me. I say "Henry meet your sister Amelia Reign Swan Cassidy"
Henry smiles and says "I told you it was a girl"
Regina says "she's so cute and a great name"
I nod and Neal says "thanks, Henry picked her first name and we decided to have her middle name inspired by you because of everything you have done for our family"
She says "thank you"
I ask "would you like to hold her?"
She nods and I pass Amelia over to her. After a few minutes she passes Amelia to Henry. We talk for awhile before Amelia is passed to Neal and Regina says "we will go home now to give you some time to rest or have other visitors, we will come back tomorrow"
We say bye and they leave. Neal says "I'm going to let Belle and Rumple know that they now have a granddaughter"
I nod and say "I will let my parents know"

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