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It's all I see. Darkness, and spinning, and falling.

Yes... I'm falling. Falling into this unending hole in the earth. Wet tears stream down my checks, and my nose is stuffed

But wait, why am I falling?

Oh... right... I was pushed. By my own brother. Though, by the looks of how it happened, he didnt have any other options. I cant tell how long I've been falling but, I keep my eyes open anyway. There's a light at the end of this tunnel, its bright. Extremely bright. Im approaching it fast. I throw my arms over my head as I go into the hole and hit it hard. But before I have a chance to gather my surroundings, my eyelids close. I must've hit my head harder than I thought. Let me tell you how this happened.

A few hours earlier

My kid brother, James, and I were sitting in our back yard. I was reading an old book I found in my mothers trunk. She died when I was just a child. James never even had a chance to know her. But I did, and she was spectacular. Her head was always in the clouds, imagining a more exciting life and all these crazy adventures.

She had short, blonde hair that perfectly framed her petite face. Her eyes were the color of the sea after a storm. The most beautiful kind. I, on the other hand, did not possess such beauty. My long blonde hair was the closest feature I had in similarity with her. My eyes were green, and I was not as fragile as she was but, my father insists I carry a part of her in me, and that is why I often remind him of her.

I peered up from my book to steal a glance at James, when he unexpectedly jumped out of his seat and ran into the woods.

"James!" I called after him, "Where are you going?". He stopped for a brief moment and yelled back to me,

"A boy! A boy was standing right here and he told me to follow him!". I got out of my chair and ran over to him, my pink dress twirling around my ankles as I moved.

"What are you talking about? There's no one here?". His eyes traveled to an unknown spot behind me and his arm shot up to point.

"Look! There he is!". I spun around, but once again I saw nothing.

"James what are you-", but by then James was already sprinting to the place he pointed at. James didn't just stop there.

He kept running and running, further and further into the dense mess of trees.

"James! James stop running!". I lost sight of him near a giant oak tree in what appeared to be the center of the forest.

As I inched closer, I noticed a faint purple light behind some bushes.

"James?" I opened the bushes and couldn't believe what I saw.

A spinning, purple, vortex in the ground.

I gasped and fell backwards into a wet pile of leaves. Immediately I stood up, brushing the twigs off my dress. Something about the vortex drew me to it. I was completely mesmerized by its churning, sparkling qualities.

"Woah, are those actual stars?" I thought.

I was standing right over the edge when I heard a branch break behind me.

I immediately spun around and saw James, but he wasnt alone. There was a boy, who was probably about his age, dressed in animal fur and raggedy pelts.

He had a knife in his hand that was comfortably by his side. I turned back at James, who had a distraught look on his face.

"James, who is that? ". James looked back at the mysterious boy, who gave him a nod of approval, and finally back to me.

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