Chapter 8

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Chapter 8


With Peter forcefully yanking my hand, we made our way through the forest and out onto the beach.

I never thought I'd see the beach again. That first day here was so overwhelming, I didn't have any time to appreciate the beauty of it.

My breath caught as we stepped out of the tree line and into the sun.
It felt like I was back in England, sitting by the shore with James and Amelia.

I never knew I could miss someone so much.
Amelia is my best friend.
We met in grade school and have been close ever since.
When we got older, I told her all about my life at home, expecting her to run away and not be my friend any more.
But instead she hugged me tight and promised to always be there for me.
I never knew real friendship, until I met her.

Once Peter pulled me closer to the sea, he stopped and turned around.

I wouldn't look him in the eye, because I knew if I did, I'd melt.

I looked at the floor and was surprised to feel two hands on my shoulders.
I looked up but by then Peter was already kissing me.

It wasn't like the first time.
His lips were cold and slimy instead of warm and inviting.
His hands felt like daggers in my skin and I quickly pulled away, biting his lip hard.

He put his hand up to his mouth and wiped away the blood.
"You've got fire," he chuckled, "I like fire."

I raised my hand and smacked him across the face as hard as I could.
He fell back a bit but regained his balance and stood straight again, a very large and very red hand print on his cheek.

I took this as my opportunity to speak,
"You bloody demon! How could you do this? You're sick, do you know that? You killed my mother? And what the hell do you mean you made sure that I was the babe in her womb? You're a bloody psychopath!"

He stood unmoving and spoke through clenched teeth.
"You know, if you wanted answers, you probably shouldn't have hit me"
"How could I not? You kissed me! "
"I kissed you," he laughed, "Oh no no, dear, as I remember it you kissed me"
"You're disgusting" I spat.

"Actually, most people would consider me attractive, " he smiled as he moved closer, "And I know you do too."
"Never" I remarked
"Stop lying to yourself, Kat. I can see it on your face. I can sense the way I make you feel."
"And how do I feel?"
"I make you nervous" he breathed into my neck as he kissed it.

In the moment, I believed him. And I wanted nothing more than to kiss the boy I was with in the tree house that night, but this was not that boy.
This boy is cunning, and malicious, and sneaky.

I backed away,
"Why did you bring me here?"
"It's the one place on the island where we can have no eavesdroppers. The ocean is too loud for anyone to hear us over."

It made sense I guess.

I noticed a small, blue pearl in the sand.
Peter caught my looking at it because he picked it up.
"For you." He said.
It went from his hand to a necklace around my neck.
I gasped and carefully admired it with my fingers.

"How'd you-"
"This is Neverland, Kat. You simply think for something to happen and it does."

I smiled for a moment and looked up into his eyes.
The color was a blue as the sea and as green as the forest.
An unnatural color that brought shivers to my spine and butterflies to my stomach.

"Why have my eyes changed color?" I asked with genuine curiosity.

He childishly smiled and I saw his eyes light up with excitement
"It's beginning!" he said
"What's beginning?" I asked with confusion
"Your transformation!"

This time I was more scared then confused
"Peter Pan, if this is some kind of joke, you better stop it right now!"

He snickered again.
Oh how I hate his evil, little laugh.

"This is no joke, Kat! As you recall, I told you that I created you. And if it's not obvious enough, every creation has a purpose."
"So what is my purpose?" I asked, trying to sound brave.

"You will be the queen, in the way of the game I guess you could say.
Once your transformation is complete, you will be more powerful than any living creature in any realm. Even the Dark One." He seemed to cringe at that name.

Note to self, ask about 'The Dark One' later.

"That's ridiculous. I'm not transforming, you ignorant boy"
"Oh but you are, Kat. Can you not feel it? Your eyesight increasing,"

All of a sudden my eyes darted around and I realized with shock that I could see the detail of the tree bark from the shoreline.

"Your hearing becoming sharper," Peter grinned.

I listened closer and could hear tiny feet scrambling on the floor and then a loud cry.
I put my hands over my ears, trying to block out the noise. I looked up and saw a bird carrying away a small mouse.

"Your body becoming stronger" Peter said.

I took my hands away from my ears and lifted my ripped shirt to look at the cut I had there.
With astonishment, I noticed it was gone.
"Did you heal me again?"I asked with trembling hands.
"No," Peter claimed, "You did that all on your own."

I was practically hyperventilating and had to take deep gulps of air to keep from falling to the ground.

"See Kat? Soon you will be able to do incredible things and have incredible powers." Peter smiled, holding my arm.

"Why is any of this any help to you?" I asked through shaking lips.
"Because when you are fully transformed, you and I will have enough power to defeat any enemy and claim and land we want. We can rule every kingdom and never have to comply with their petty rules because YOU AND I will be all powerful," he said with great pride and a loud voice,
"And the people will bow before us, and beg for mercy in our presence."

I couldn't beileve what he was saying. I would think him mad if it weren't for the fact that what he said about me was true, I was changing. Not in a way that anyone could see, but I could feel it.

Assuming now that I was his prized possession, I said with a grin and a great measure of attitude,
"And what makes you think I'll ever use this power to help you and not destroy you where you stand?"

"Go ahead and destroy me, Kat. But when you do, your brother will die as well."

I then heard a loud shriek from inside the forest and knew it was James.
My new senses amplified everything so the already loud yell sounded like an explosion in my ears.

"Don't you touch him!" I screamed into Peter's face.

"We won't. . . as long as you do as I say."

It was then I realized I was at the complete and total mercy of him, and if I didnt oblige, James would die.

And it'd be all my fault.

A/N: It's getting pretty intense, huh? I hope you guys like it! To let me know you do, be sure to vote and comment :) More will be posted tomorrow! Thanks guys <3

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