school starts

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deyquan i hate you i hate you leave me alone stop hiting me

end dream*

so school has started and deyquan left the school so thats good and to day i was over by my locker and  i saw  a dude  coming my way and i shoved my stuff in my locker and dropped my keys and phone

and i ran with it and i caught up with baja and i was runnin to and he called my name which made me run faster how did he know my name tho i dont know him i mean im not trying to get in another relation ship where i get hurt but he did look cute. and he was in my next period before lunch and it was almost the end of the day until i got pulled in the closet i was real scared. i heardthe dudethat walked by my locker his name was diggy and he came closer to me and i told  him to step any closer im gonna scream rape he said he whould like to see me try ok he wats me to try i told him to step closer he was about to try to kiss me i screamed rape and he  closedmy mouth and said are u crazy they might think im realy trying to. i wispered in his ear i dont play.and i tried to open the door but he turned my back aginst the door and put my blue hair behind my ear and started to kiss me i tried to resist buthe hadmy hands and i sccreamed let me go. and  i slaped him and left. baja saw me running and i cried and told her what happend and i told her how could i let diggy kiss me and pull me into that closet im so sorry.

is ok star you want me to walk with u around  school to make sure he dont play tricks with u.

yea i said.

and then me and baja were at my locker and he was walking up to  baja to talk to her.

~ convo~

diggy: so baja i bet she told u what happend earlier huh?

baja: yea u got some nereve to do that to her off gaurd and she wasnt tryin to meet boys like  u!

diggy: i like her and what u mean boys like me.

baja:players and if u realy like her u could tell her at her house and buy her a present cause her birthday is tommorow i have to go before she starts to leave oh and just say hi and tell her things to blush.

~end of convo~

so me and baja went to my car and before diggy said hi and some things that made me blush he asked me if we could be friends i said sure heres my number and he texted me 

"friends with benifits" i said shut up and deleted the text message

and then i went to sleep and had a dream

it was at my house and daniel must have did something to realy piss me of i said i hate him

andhe busted through the door i threw the vase at him and tried to run and he grabed me and his grip was tight and thenthe dram dissapeared.

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