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Her body nearly lurched forward but she painfully refrained from stepping forward. That would be insinuating that she would take up his offer, and that's exactly what she didn't want.

She didn't know if she could trust herself alone with Vincent. Things between them had been changing, and she wasn't sure if she wanted to risk herself getting tangled up in something she couldn't get out of.

Vincent waited by the door, a look of amusement masking his well-defined face. He was truly a work of art, something sculpted by the Gods themselves. Alexia observed his current attire; a tight black fitting t-shirt and grey sweatpants. She had never seen him dressed so...normal.

How could someone look so good in the morning?

"I love the cold."


Vincent chuckled, raising his eyebrows as he crossed his arms. Alexia watched as his muscles bulged together against his chest.

Why did he have to be so attractive? And why was it affecting her?

"Oh really? So that's why you're lurking around my house?" Vincent continued to tease her.

Alexia's cheeks flushed a soft pink. "Fine, but you better make me some coffee," Alexia huffed in an attempt to look annoyed, but in reality, she was a mess inside. She was overthinking, her tummy doing flips at the thought of being with Vincent alone.

He opened the door wide for her to enter, allowing her to see the entirety of his mansion.

The polished wood floor gleamed under the early sunlight that poured through the many windows. A Persian rug situated itself in the middle of the foyer, an open balcony on the second floor just above it. Two staircases were situated each side of the rug, the bannister held an intricate design all the way up and across the large, open second floor.

Alexia hid her shock, not wanting Vincent to see her fascination for his beautiful home.

"What do you think?" He smiled as he closed the large wooden door, clearly proud of his home.

Alexia turned her head to the side to face him, "Honestly? I'm really confused as to why you have two stairs... can't you just use one?"

Vincent coughed at her unexpected answer. Alexia smirked at him, happy that she had the upper hand now.

"Well, uh, you know, I thought it would look...good," he whispered in embarrassment.

Alexia laughed at him as they seemingly made their way to his kitchen,"Did you get breakfast?"

Alexia followed after him, making her way over to a cosy chair that sat on the far side of the room, "Luke made me some coffee." Although she looked relaxed, her stomach continued to jolt and tingle in excitement and nervousness.

She watched as Vincent snapped his head towards her, a foreign emotion crossing his features. Jealousy. "What are you doing with Luke this early in the morning?"

Alexia looked up at him in surprise, she didn't know how to react to Vincent right now but judging by the way her heart nearly jolted out of her chest she figured that she was happy at the revelation. "We both couldn't sleep," she chuckled out as she watched Vincent try to mask his jealousy. Too late.

"So, you and him are a thing?"

"What's with all the questions?" Alexia teased, attempting to hide her surprise.

Before he could get any angrier Alexia confessed, "We are not a thing, in any way. Not like it has anything to do with you, though." She quirked an eyebrow as he tried to appear nonchalant.

"Who my men get with has everything to do with me Alexia, don't be fooled." Alexia rolled her eyes

and observed as he stepped in front of her, towering over her as she sat on the plush chair. He grabbed her by the chin, tilting her head up firmly so that she was looking directly into his eyes, "and don't roll your eyes at me like that again, do we have an understanding?"

She gulped as his voice thickened, he had never looked so scarier. His grip on her chin began to tighten, and she realised she had not answered him. "Big girl lost her tongue?" He teased cruelly, finding satisfaction in their current situation. He had never seen her back down like this, her vulnerability was doing unholy things to him. He watched as her brows began to furrow as she seemingly snapped back into her senses, "I would like to know your definition of an understanding Mr.Gambino, because this most definitely is not one." She glared down at his rigid hand on her chin and sent a steely look right back up at him.

As soon as Vincent dropped his hand, Alexia shot up from her seat, advancing for the door. A vice-like grip yanked her back into a hard, muscular chest, "And where do you think you're going?"

Her heart began to quicken as she felt his warm breath hit her neck, his arm quickly twisting her so that she faced him. She couldn't look at him any longer, the air around them began to thicken. She couldn't breathe.

"What do you want?" she whispered defeatedly, refusing to look up at him.

"I want some respect. As your boss, I can't have you fucking around and giving me attitude," he said threateningly. What had turned into a casual invitation with a promised cup of hot coffee had now turned into this mess, all because of her behaviour. She should've known better, he was a mafia leader, and the way she had been treating him had her treading on thin lines.

"I apologise, can I leave now?" she replied, in a quiet emotionless voice. He dropped his grip on her arm and she took that as her que to leave.

What a fucking dick.

She finally made her way back to the house that was not so quiet anymore. The men jostled about and got ready for their long day of hard work. Many greeted her as she made her way to the laundry room, where she hoped to find Cora.

"Hey Cora," Alexia said exasperatedly as she walked into the room. Cora jumped up in surprise, startled by Alexia's appearance.

"Alexia! You scared the shit out of me!" Cora shrieked, her hand on her heart.

"Oh, be quiet. You're acting as if you're going to have a heart attack."

Cora rolled her eyes and lifted the pile of laundry off the ground into the washing machine, "It's very much possible, one day I'll sneak up on you and then we'll see how you feel. Anyways, why're you up so bright and early?"

Alexia's cheeks flushed at what had happened this morning, "I..uh...went for a walk."

"Oh that sounds nice," Cora smiled. "I was also in Vincent's house," Alexia added quietly, hoping Cora wouldn't notice.

A yelp escaped the little redhead as she looked at Alexia in shock, "Mr. Gambino is not your fuckbuddy already!"

Alexia shook her head frantically at Cora, "God, no! I wouldn't dream of it."

"I smell bullshit."

"Cora be quie-"

"Did you guys kiss? Any touching? Flirting? Oh my god tell me!"


Cora was jumping with excitement now, Alexia could already tell she was scheming on getting her and Vincent together.

She clapped her hands in excitement, "I have the perfect plan!"

Alexia's eyes widened as she watched Cora race out the door, she ran after her and quickly grabbed her by the shoulders. "Coraaa," Alexia whined, "He doesn't like me like that. Don't make this any worse than it is."

Cora wiggled her eyebrows, "We'll see about that." 

Vincent's RevivalWhere stories live. Discover now