Sheriff John Stilinski & And Alpha Derek Hale

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When the sheriff leaves the house for work that day he has a bad feeling in his gut. He doesn't know why, but he feels like something bad is going to happen.

Work is slow for once. No supernatural or human monsters running around, no calls except for a cat stuck in a tree and a child using the phone for the first time, and this confuses John. He still has a horrible feeling deep inside but nothing has happened, no one has called and his shift ends in fifteen minutes.

John has just finished filling out the report for the misdial when one of his deputy's comes up to him with the phone. "The caller says he needs you immediately Sheriff, says his name is Derek and that it is a matter of life or death." She tells him.

John takes the phone and walks into his office, his stomach twisting into knots. "Is it another werewolf or hunter?" He asks.

"No Sheriff, it's Stiles. He isn't breathing and he smells like medicine and alcohol." At this the sheriff drops the phone and runs to his cruiser, yelling at his deputies to call the ambulance and send them to his house. You could see the tears running down his face as he drove off.


Derek had been feeling horrible since he had seen Stiles in his room that night and smelled the blood. He had decided that he was going to keep watch over the boy for a while and decide how he was going to help. He had slept in the woods behind the Stilinski household that night, so that if Stiles tried to cut again, he could be there to stop it.

The next morning he woke up earlier than usual, listening to see if Stiles was still asleep. He was but he could also hear the sheriff up and about, getting ready to go into work. Before he left, he woke Stiles up to go to school, so Derek decided to go out for a run and check on Isaac for a few hours, since he was sick.

When Derek got back to the loft an hour and a half later, he walked in and went up to Isaac's room, hearing Scott there too. "Isaac, I thought you said you were sick. Why is Scott here?" He asks.

"Well, I was feeling bored and since he can't get sick I asked him to come entertain me." He replies.

"Whatever. I'm going to take a shower and them I'm going to head back out." I say as I walk up the spiral staircase.

Thirty minutes later I walk out of the bathroom to hear Scott answer his phone. I listen to his conversation and get really worried. 'Stiles was supposed to be in school, that's why I wasn't there. Shit, this is bad.' Derek thinks to himself. He runs all the way to Stiles' house and bursts into his room. He nearly roars at the sight of Stiles laying in his bed, with no breath to be heard. He calls the sheriff, runs out to the forest and howls with all his might before going back to the house, just in time to see Stiles on a gurney in the back of an ambulance.

I hope that this is good. I didn't want to get Stiles quite yet so I wrote this. I was wondering if anyone would like to be a beta reader for this story. If so, just email me at

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