Chapter 9

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I don't know where I'm going, and I don't really understand what's going on. I remember waking up in the hospital feeling panicked, but then I started to feel weird, and next thing I know, I'm about the fifth of my usual size and I'm on all fours, running for my life. I don't even remember deciding to run, just that I had this feeling of fear and instinct. I remember Scott following me for a while, but I used my speed to lose him and then I ran around so that he couldn't track my scent. I don't know why, but I do know that I just don't want to be around him.

When I come out of my thoughts, I look around only to realize that I'm in the preserve, but more specifically, I'm by the shell of what was the old Hale house, but is now the shell of a new structure. This confuses me, but I'm too tired to question what's going on. I don't know why I came here, but I do feel a new sense of calm and safety, so I decide to walk through the archway where the door will likely go and try to find a place to hide. I look around and notice all of the boxes that are still littering the ground, and I decide to hide there. I first look around to see if there is anything soft, and find a blanket that is used to protect furniture and grab it between my teeth to take to my new den. I place it down inside and crawl in, preparing myself for a long wait. After about twenty minutes of lying there, I fall asleep.

Derek (Two months earlier):

What have we done, no, what have Idone? This is all my fault. I can't believe what I have led Stiles to. I should have been there for him. I shouldn't have bullied him, or pushed him into walls and steering wheels, and I definitely shouldn't have left him alone this morning. But I was stupid. I didn't know how to show him that I respected him, and wanted to be his Alpha and his friend. Instead, I was stupid and I pushed him away. I don't deserve to live whilst he dies. I know that I can't die, as my pack needs a leader, and even if I may suck, there are worst alphas out there than me.

It's at this point that I realize that, no, there can't be worst alphas than me, as I literally allowed my pack mate to feel so unloved and uncared for, that he couldn't even live anymore. I need to leave, at least until I can learn to be better, become stronger, and be the best alpha possible. I may be to late to save you, Stiles, but I promise that I will never allow anyone else in our pack to feel as you did. I swear on my life.


It's been two months. I've been in an old family cabin in the woods, just at the edge of my territory for that time. Training my body to be stronger, meditating, so that I can be more attuned to the people around me and their emotions, and reading all the books about being an alpha, but most importantly, I had decided to tear down my old house, or what used to be my house, and rebuild it into not only my place, but a place for the entire pack, and their families to stay if needed and when they simply want to. It will be bigger than the original house, with more than enough rooms and bathrooms, a huge kitchen as an homage to Stiles, as I know that he used to love cooking and baking, and an enormous library, a pool, a mini home theater, and a large, but cozy family room. I know it may not be perfect, and that it will never be a real home without Stiles, but it's the best that I can do. Though I only have the skeleton of the house done so far.

I decide to go there now, walking in and looking at what I have so far. I haven't told the pack yet, actually, I haven't talked to any of them at all since Stiles landed in the hospital, unable to bring myself to come to terms with the fact that Stiles may die, or that he may be dead now. As I'm walking through the area, I hear a very fast paced heartbeat, immediately putting me on guard at first, as no one should be here, but as I listen closer, the pace is closer to that of an animal than a human, causing me to relax.

I walk around, trying to find the source of the sound, when I stumble upon a box that seems to be emitting the quick beat. I peer inside to see a small red fox, a kit, really. I take a deep breath in as the kit opens its eyes, noticing a golden whiskey colour, before it changes to a fiery red colour. When I breath in, it smells extremely familiar. That, mixed with the eyes, I gasp in surprise and confusion.


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2018 ⏰

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