Chapter 3

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Ruby's pov
"Ruby this is Alice, Edwards sister, Alice this is my cousin Ruby." Bella introduced us.

"Hey" I smiled shaking Alice's very cold hand. Cold hand. Gold eyes. Pale skin. Cold one. Vampire. Hayley told me about those. I better keep an eye on her.

"Hi" She responded taking her hand away.

"Let's get you pretty" Alice told bella.

"What did I say about beauty sleep?" Alice asked as she applied Bella' s makeup.

"Sorry, bad dream. It was wedding jitters." Bella responded.

"Bad dream. Bella really? Are you trying to look bad?" I asked.

"Do you need some help? I could do her hair. " I heard I girl say from the door. Blonde girl, beautiful. A cold one like Alice.

"I'm going to find Aunty Renee she'll want to see you before the wedding." I commented walking down the stairs I see uncle Charlie and Aunty Renee at the bottom.

"Uncle Charlie, Aunty  Renee" I call.

"Hi sweetie" Aunty Renee says hugging me.

"hey. Come on we got to go see Bella" I said pulling away from the hug and leading them to where Bella is, watching with a smile as Renee sees Bella all made up.

"Oh, my gosh! You're so beautiful. Oh, honey. " She cried.

"Crap! My mascara." Aunty Renee says.

"Mom!" Bella groaned as Alice hands Renee a handkerchief

'Thanks. Charlie, get in here."

"We thought you needed something blue." Charlie says as he opens the gift box containing a jeweled hair comb.

"And something old. Besides your mother." He spoke still referring to the comb.

"Nice." Renee grimaced.

"It was Grandma Swan's."

"But we added the sapphires." Aunty Renne spoke choking back tears.

"It's beautiful, you guys. Wow. Thank you so much." Bella said as she gave it to me to put in her hair

"It's your first family heirloom. Pass on to your daughter, and her daughter." Renee says as she starts to cry again.

"Mom, I love it." Bella says As she goes to kiss her parents, Alice stops her.

"Nope. No smudging my masterpiece."

"She's right." I agreed.

"Okay. Time for the dress! Do you wanna see it?" Alice asked

"I want to see it!"Aunty Renee exclaimed.

*time skip to the wedding*

Classical music is playing as we are waiting for the wedding to begin. I was seated next to Aunty Renee at the front near the altar. When everyone rises, I rise and see bella walking she looks beautiful. Once she reaches the front the Minister Starts the ceremony

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