-Chapter 2- The Party-

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Danielle's dress above⬆️
Chapter 2- The Party-

🌺Danielle's POV🌺

Reece: Hey babe❤️️ How's OUR BABY?

What the fuck??? Does he just think he gets to come into my life again and screw up my life. Well he's wrong.

Danielle: Don't call me 'babe'. I'm not your 'babe' anymore. You screwed up by picking that slut Andi instead of me and you didn't give a shit that our baby died from skin cancer. Your fucking a dickface. Go back to fucking Andi. Good bye. Don't ever speak to me ever again. I don't love you anymore. Xoxo-Danielle.

He doesn't answer after that for some reason.

Hmm. I don't even care anymore.

After getting out of the shower, I dry my hair with the blow dryer, and dry my body off, as I quickly dress into the dress I set out for the party. I quickly start curling my hair.

Ten minutes later I get done curling my hair, as I grab my brow pen, and start applying that, I then put on some lipgloss. I put on a lot but not to much. My mom always tells me if I put on too much, then I'll look like a slob, and I hate looking like a slob.

I quickly apply, eyeliner, eyeshadow, blush, and mascara. When I apply my purple-black sparkly mascara I hear a knock on my door.

"Who is it?" I ask.

"It's Caleb. Can I come in."

"Yeah. Go ahead." I say as he walks in seeing me put on my makeup.

After he sits down, I apply my purple eyeshadow, which makes it shinier.

"K. I'm done. I need to grab my phone, my jacket, and my purse and then we can leave." I say as I turn off the light, and opening the door and walking out.

I grab my purple leather jacket, and shrug it on and grab my phone and throwing it in my purse as I put on my purse.

We quickly run out the house.

"Goodbye mom!!" I yell.

"Goodbye honey-"
-"wait a minute. Your not going to the party like that!!-"

-"Hon, let her be. Let her loosen up. She been through some stuff." Brian tells my mom while I shut the door and get in Caleb's car.

I buckle up as he does the same, and turns on the car as we drive off.

Oh yeah. I forgot to tell you. Caleb is gay best friend. And yeah, your probably thinking, 'why she want a gay guy friend?' Well actually Caleb isn't bad at all. He's pretty nice. He understands. My two other girl best friends, Arizona And Andi ditched me for the popular group. They left me in the cold. LITERALLY. I miss them but. Yeah both Arizona and Andi hooked up with my ex Reece when we had a baby behind my back. Caleb knows all about it. Caleb and I have been best friends since kindergarten. But we grew away from each other. After I met Arizona and Andi, I wasn't close to him anymore. I have a big trust issues since Andi and Arizona betrayed me. I grew close to them. But me and Caleb grew closer again after they betrayed me.
An hour later we make it to the party.

We park the car, as Caleb turns off the car and we unbuckle as we get out.

We walk up the stairs seeing, couples passed out in the yard.

We walk into the house. I see couples and girls swaying their hips to the beat.

I go to the counter and grab a beer and chug it down,
"Hey..." a hot guy says.

"Umm. I'm not interested. I just got done with a break up. So don't bother." I say walking outside to back yard and see a pool.

"Hey..." a voice says.

"How many fucking times do I need to tell you to leave me the fuck.... alone...." I say turning around to see it's someone else.

"Oh. Sorry."

"It's ok."

"Ok...." before I can finish someone pushes me into the pool.

I quickly get out and see it was Caleb.

Everyone comes out to see what the commotion was about and start laughing.

"Ugh!" I yell, and walk away, but the hottie grabs my arm. And I feel sparks go through it, but at the same time I get scared. Because Reece is the reason why I'm afraid of being touched.

I push him away.

"Don't touch me." I hiss and walk away dragging Caleb with me.

"We need to go. Now. Jerk." I say as he nods and we leave driving off to drop me home while I'm drenched in my new dress.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 10, 2016 ⏰

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