Stolen Scarf {mithross}

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Rosses pov

It was in the middle of a Sunday afternoon. It had just snowed last night, so much that the snow plows hadn't made it over to our rode yet. Since the street was covered in snow, we couldn't go anywhere with the car. Which served a problem since it was shopping day. It was my turn to go, but how could I with all the snow on the street. But Tim was reluctant.
"But Ross" Tim said, stomping around the living room.
"We've run out of broccoli"
I just rolled my eyes, and shock my head
"You've gotta stop with that broccoli addiction anyway. I'll just go tomorrow" I said. Seriously though, can't he just wait till tomorrow, when the roads wouldn't be buried in snow.
Tim just gave me a look that could kill.
"Gosh dangit I need broccoli" he shouted. A big thump was heard when he kicked the couch. He was now gripping his foot while bouncing up and down. Serves him right. Right when I was about to tell him of Max came parading down the stairs.
"I was recording" he yelled at us.
"What are you two idiots doing anyway" he asked, tilting his head making him look sort of like a confused dog. That is the most adorable thing I have ever seen in my life. Wait a second, what the heck did I just think?! My face started to turn a bright red. Max and Tim turned my way, both with equally confused faces. I shock my head, and turned to glare at Tim. When he saw, he started to do the same to me.
"Tim wants me to go to the store with the streets buried in snow" I said.
Max looked from Tim to me. Then after a while he looked at me and said,very seriously "but we've ran out of Max an' cheese".
I just looked at him like he'd just ate a bear. Then quickly turned around and looked outside. I crossed my arms and pouted.
"But how am I supposed to drive in that"
"Well we'll walk" Max said, putting on his coat.
"Wait, why are you coming" I asked.
He shrugged." Cause I want to" and walked outside. Well okay then.
I quickly put on my grey jacket and red and yellow scarf and followed Max outside. I found him waiting for me on the side walk. At least I think. There was really no way of telling because of all the snow.
"Come on" Max said, walking away. I had to jog to catch up to him. We walked silently, until I felt my scarf come of my neck. I looked around and saw Max holding it above his head.
"Max, give it back" I yelled, lunging for him. He side stepped and I went flying, face first, into the snow. I heard him start laughing, and got up quickly. Brushing the snow of my face I walked up to him and tried jumping to get it, which was still above his head. Curse my shortness. When I jumped up again. Maxes lips hit mine. I blushed immediately, feeling my face grow hot. Before I could kiss back he pulled back, wrapped the scarf around my neck, and kept walking. I just stood there for a second, trying to register what had just happened. Max looked behind his shoulder toured me, smiling like he had won the lottery.
"Well wasn't that fun"

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