Chapter 7

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**Tylers POV**

I feel totally sick to my stomach. I have no clue what is going to happen or how I will feel. Plus how could I be pregnant? We used protection.. right? Liam sits on the bed next to me and rubs my leg.

"You'll be fine. No matter what happens I'm with you.", I can tell he is anxious. Perhaps even a bit scared. But I don't mind. He gives me a warm smile before kissing me softly. "Go on and do it. I'll be waiting here. After we can watch a Disney movie okay? I know there your favorite. so run along now."

I just smiled and ran as fast as I could into the bathroom. I took out the test and we'll did my business on it. I finished up and waited for the results to come up. 2 blue bars. I couldn't believe it. I washed my hands and sprang up as fast as I could.

"Liam! Baby!", I ran out of the room in only my underwear and a tank top and practically tackled my man.

"What did it say?!", He looks at me smiling as wide as I've ever seen. I just nodded at him with a smile. His eyes started tearing up. Good sign. "I'm going to be a daddy!" Liam stood up and grabbed my waist. He spinned me around a couple times before kissing me hard and hugging me tight. I was in heaven.

**Liam ' s POV**

I was in shock. That good kind though. I couldn't stop smiling. I sat down on the bed and pulled Tyler on top of my lap. Just like how we did before we were seperated. I will never make that kind of mistake again. I just know. I have to much to look forward to in my future to let it slip. I put my hands around Ty's stomach and rubbed where her bump soon would be. She laughed a bit.

  "What is it?", I smiled and tickled her which caused an uproar of laughter from her.

"Liam James Payne don't you even dare!", I couldn't take her seriously with how hard she was laughing. So the tickle war had begun. She was under my control and I loved it.

"I will show mercy on thee, as long as I can get a kiss and a place to sleep next to my girlfriend.", Tyler and I always used to pretend we were rich people, seemed like a good time to bring it back. I wrapped a sheet around me for a cape and a pillow on my head for my crown. "Tis it a deal my fair lady?"

"Why yes of course your majesty.", She laughed and kissed me. I would give anything to feel that every second of every day.

I pulled Tyler back into me so we could watch our movie again. She decided on Tangled. Of course. I went along with it since she was asleep in the middle of it anyways. Then I had an idea. I set her to the side and covered her up, writing her a note telling her I was grabbing some groceries and headed out the door. I ran into Niall on the way out.

"Hey mate what you up too?", Niall still had his braces, just a week before he got them taken off actually.

"Going out to run an errand.", I couldn't stop smiling from the news and Niall caught on.

"Mind if I come? The rest of the lads are out.", I had to really think about this. But Niall looked so lonely. He couldn't hurt anything.

"Of course! Hurry up now we have to make it quick.", I ran out to the car with Niall and hopped in. I started the car and made my way into town, stopping at a Nando's for the mate before arriving at the jewelers. Niall just looked at me strange.

"Urmm. What we here for?", He looked really confused.

"Well. You can't tell anybody. But me and Tyler have been back together for almost 3 weeks. And um. Well I told her I'd never leave. And this is how I am proving it.", My confidence was higher then ever saying this. I was proud.

"So you are going to propose to her? When?", Niall was happy for us. I could tell. But never the less unsure about something.

"Tomorrow's concert."

"Aw mate. Good luck. Now let's go find ourselves a ring.", He smiled and got out of the car.

We were in the shop for an hour or so. This had to be perfect. I am not screwing things up. I will under no circumstances let Tyler down again. I picked out the most stunning ring I had ever seen. The biggest diamond in the shape of a heart on the center. Niall and I left then to go grab some groceries. Just simple things, but enough so that Tyler wouldn't get suspicious. When we got back Tyler was on the couch in fluffy pajama pants and a tank top pigging out on popcorn and chocolate. I laughed at her and Niall went in for the food. As I was putting away groceries I hid the ring in my coat pocket and smiled as I did it. Soon there would be a Mrs. Liam Payne.

**Harry ' s POV**

We are sitting in the back of a movie theater at the moment. Delaney and I had decided to go out and enjoy ourselves on our day off. I had managed to plant her a job on set with us as our makeup person which is a joy for me. I mean come on. I get kisses all the time. Her smile is completely adorable. I think she is the one. She gets on with Tyler, she is a hit with the other Lads and she isn't in it for the money like most pricks. I look at her in the seat next to me. She has chocolate spread all over her face... I can't judge however because most likely I do too. I had bought tickets to Insidious for her and I and I can't wait for it to start. It's an excellent excuse for me to hold her. I smirk at the thought. She is so beautiful and has such an amazing personality. I just hope this lasts.

**Delaney ' s POV**

The movie had just started and I am as scared as ever. I don't want to embarrass myself in front of Harry but it's the movie he wanted to see. So I went along with it. I can't help stuffing the Nutella candies we found in Sydney in my face. I probably look like a pig but it's dark in the movie theater... so nobody can see me... I hope. I have made it through the middle of the movie. Then the demon popped out. I screamed like a child and covered my eyes. Harry pulled me into his lap and kissed my forehead.

"Your alright love I'm here. It's just a movie. Do we need to go?", He looked at me concerned. I love this.

"No I'm fine I can keep watching.", I turned around staying in his lap. He wrapped his arms around me and put his head on top of mine. Be jealous. At the end of the movie I had only almost capped myself about four more times. But Haz was there for me so it made it better.  Afterwards he took me out to dinner. We went to this amazingly fancy place where they had foods I couldn't even pronounce! I felt so out of place oh my gosh. Then he took me shopping and I decided, I loved Harry Styles with everything I had in me.

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