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Nari stood from the ground and tilted her head, still with tears in her eyes she groaned in frustration since she could not listen what Eunwoo had said before going out of the window. She walked to her bed and started to cry again. She did not have any good reason for doing it but she just felt like crying after seeing Eunwoo tonight.

Her phone beeped and she sat straight and reached for it. She wiped the tears and opened the chat. Yoongi's name flashed on the screen.

Yoongi: I just wanted to say thank you again before I go to sleep. I was happy with you tonight. Have sweet dreams Im Nari.

Nari's sudden sadness softened and eventually flew away. A glimpse of a smile was drawn on her pink lips. She moved her fingers slowly, hesitating on the keyboard as she replied an answer.

Nari: Yoongi-yah, I was happier thanks to you and for that I am grateful. Have a good night.

She is texted and smiled at the picture of Yoongi and her. Suddenly all the sad memories from her conversation with Eunwoo vanished as she prepared for sleep. She closed her eyes and the last memory that flashed on her mind was when Yoongi held her hand earlier.


"Have a good day Agasshi." Kim Hee-Jun said with a warm smile. Nari was excited to see Yoongi today but she was also nervous and shy. She knows there is something going on between them but she has never been in a position like this before so she does not know how to act properly towards him or how to behave when being around him.

"Ne ahjussi, you too." She said and stepped out of the car not without giving Kim Hee-Jun a warm smile. She walked to the school gates as she soon remembered Eunwoo. She was happy for coming here again but that meant she would see him later around the school and that made her feel nervous.

Soon all of her worries vanished when she noticed a pair of dark eyes staring at her, with a warm smile as his bangs flew with the wind, the backpack hanging on his left shoulder as he held a pink tulip between his hands. Nari's heart began to beat faster as she approached the school gates.

"Nari-yah you're a bit late today." Yoongi said smiling with his eyes to her. She was never late, he was the one who was usually late.

"Mianhae, the traffic was terrible this morning." She said with her eyes locked on the pink tulip he was holding. She took a strand of hair behind her hear and bit her lip. She couldn't help but wonder if that tulip was for her.

Min Yoongi chuckled at the girl's looks and decided to no make her suffer anymore so he extended his hand and gave her the flower. "This is for you Nari." He said and she opened her eyes widely in shock. This was the first time a boy had given her a flower.

She grabbed the tulip and examined it. It was really beautiful and she loved the color since it was her favorite. "Kamsahamnida Yoongi-yah." She said smiling with her whole face. She couldn't hide her happiness. Yoongi chuckled and extended his hand for her to take it. She hesitated a bit since they were going inside the school and they'll probably get scolded for that but at the moment she didn't care. She took his hand and they both made their way inside the school.

Several feet away, behind a tree was a tall boy with sad eyes and lost hopes holding a white lily between his hands. He watched the scene and felt fire on his chest. An unknown anger towards a boy he didn't even know. He clenched his teeth and threw the flower on the nearest trash can along with all of his hopes.

"Aish... They're holding hands again!" Jinjin complained. Sanha who was currently sleeping in a bench woke up and looked around.

"Ani, not again!" He said rolling his eyes.

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